Hello!! Today and for the next 14 daysI am linking up with A Little Unhinged for the
Getting to know the Blogger
link up! Its all great when we can take a little time to get to know each other! This blogging community is HUGE and there are so many great bloggers.. and it will be great making some new friends! If you blog, be sure to join up!!
I am running a little late tonight with this post.. but at least its up.. For this post, I wanted to dig out some old pictures.. so here we go!
Today's Question is..
3 blogs
you visit and read
I read Whispering Sweet Nothings blog daily..

Its such a sweet blog that I really enjoy!
I also read About William and Kate to

keep up with all the Royal Gossip!
My mom recently started blogging over at Life According to Lenetta..
so I am always on her blog reading!
Why stop at 3??
I also love To Europe with the Kids

I truly wish that could be my family traveling around Europe with the kids!
I also love Ohmegee// The Blog..
She is super funny and I love reading her post.
I also love Marriage Confessions..
which also makes me laugh a lot!
For a long while now I have enjoyed The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle
She does some amazing work and I totally love her blog!
K Jaggers
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