Monday, October 15, 2012
Good night!

I am sleeeeeepy.. and suprised I am even blogging right now. But I have been running behind with blogging since I got back from my trip. I am so happy to be home and I am so happy to have the new kitten here! 

She is doing great!! 

 She is on the bed right next to me playing.. and will hopefully sleep well when I shut this computer! 

Speaking of the computer.. 

She doesn't know that the computer is off limits to her little feet! 

While Scott and I were out.. we picked up 4 of these adorable Halloween cats.. because I want to get them all in a picture together wearing the hats.. 

Gabby isn't finding it too funny either! But I am going to keep practice with them and hopefully I can get 1 good picture out of it! 

I did manage to make a quick dinner tonight that was pretty comforting and yummy! 

I made the one skillet meal of smoked sausage, fried potatoes, and green beans. I served it up with some sweet corn bread and pears.. It really did hit the spot! 

The boys got into a game of 


which made Jackson totally happy but.. 

 Scott WON!!

I also have been working on the latest giveaway.. and it will be up tomorrow/today! So be sure to come back and get entered! 

I am really sleepy.. Off to bed I go! 


K Jaggers
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