Well.. we sat off to get a Persian Kitten today and thats exactly what we did! Isn't she adorable!!?
We started out early this morning..
and drove and drove and
and ended up stopping for a quick
which was actually pretty good despite the poor service at the table..
We got finally got there and
picked up our newest family member!
She loved the sun!!
She did really good in the car!
Before long, she was napping..
She slept most of the way..
Then it was time to come in and meet the other member of the family!
She is slowly adjusting to our house..
all the kids and loud cats are not scaring her too badly!
Its been a great day!!
Thank you mom and Don!! I love you guys!
I will talk to you guys more tonight.. but lots still going on and I will be back when I can!
K Jaggers
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