Hello! I hope you had a great day! Don't the kittys look adorable at the front door? I love it! That's Romeo and Gabby. Both are precious. Too bad we couldn't get Willow in the picture too! I love those kitty cats!
Today went pretty good. I did sleep in a little later than what I wanted.. but it did give me the energy I needed to pick up the house ( in a hurry ) and also get some shopping done.
I went to CVS first..
If you want to see the haul with some new products from the Shanghai Collection by Gucci Westman. To check it out you can clicky click right here!! There is also a video on that post too!
Then I stopped by the market where I picked up some groceries and this..
adorable cupcake.. I will do a post tomorrow with more of the details of how it was made because I LOVE cute cupcakes! Jackson loves this one!
Before I knew it the school bus dropped little Jackson off..
and I went to meet him! =)
We had some playtime outside where he was trying to
teach me how to ride a skate board. Yea.. that didn't happen for me!
Before I knew it, it was time to make dinner. Jackson had just got out of the shower.. and wanted to help.
He was in charge of cutting up the hot dogs.
He loves helping out in the kitchen!! I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be a chef one day.. his love of food and cooking is just as strong as mine is!
We were making..
Sloppy Joes. Now I know... who puts hot dogs in sloppy joes right?? Well my Grandmother Watteau did and this was the way I it was fixed for me all during my younger years.. its really good too! Try it!
Thursday nights are normally an easy dinner night. Husby works late.. Greys Anatomy is on and I don't want to be in the kitchen cleaning late.
Tonights dinner may not have been so sophisticated but ..
it was really good!!!
The rest of the night was spent with my family and then I slipped into ..
an amazing bubble bath! I don't know too many pleasures I have that can top a long hot bath. It felt so good. Husby stood in there and talked to me forever and then my mom called and I debated with Don about the debates that were on last night. You know Romney might have been a little more aggressive but hes sorta been in school practicing while the President is running the country. And I think President Obama was pissed that he was there on his wedding anniversary. And my little Jackson wasn't too happy when he found out PBS might be out if Romney gets in..
Who doesn't love Big Bird!? =)
Anyway.. I hope you have had a chance to check out my ..
Yep.. you read it right.. I am giving away $500 CASH to anyone who comes up with the information on stalker girl.. You can click here to check out the details.. I need your help!
If you want to earn some extra Christmas money... and are handy with a computer then this is for you.. I don't care if you use the computer hacker that lives next door to you.. or your brother who is a police officer.. or your friend who works at ATT. I don't care..I don't care if you know who it is and turns her in.. don't worry .. I won't tell! I don't care if its legal.. I don't care if you go directly to Indiana and try to figure it out.. How you come upon her information matters not to me.
I think its time this ends. When did being a bully become ok? Kids deal with it everyday.. adults deal with it.. what the difference here is.. this bitch is too scared to come out with who she is. I know 4th graders with more backbone than this person. So if you know someone who can help.. send them my way!
Have a great Friday!
K Jaggers
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