Dear Mom, Thank you so much to listening to all I have to say.. and coming up with great ideas! I love you.. my life would be a complete mess without your presence and I love you with all my heart! Dear Scott, you are such a goofy husband! I love you dearly and I wish you didn’t have to work so much. We want you home more.. and thanks for doing the morning shift with Jackson.. because mornings and I don’t really like each other much! Dear Brandon, I can’t believe when you came into my life you were in middle school.. now you are driving! We are excited about you moving in and can’t wait till you get here! I know it might be a little hard at first but we have a pretty fun house! Dear Sloppy Joes, You were so freaking good last night! Dear Jackson, Our dance session to Phil Collins in the kitchen last night will forever be in my heart. I had so much fun shaking our butts together in our aprons holding our wooden spoons! I will never forget that moment in time. And I am so proud of how good you are doing in school! Your awesome! Dear Neighbors, I wonder if anyone else has told you that your yappy dogs are really disturbing the peace around here early in the morning and late at night. I am about to buy a water gun and start spraying them when they bark non stop. Its not too considerate on your part either. I hate your dogs.. and I am not too fond of you either.. I know it was your one of those yappy dogs that used our driveway for their personal bathroom.. and now their mess is back in YOUR yard. Dear Kitty Cats, Oh my.. you guys make me so happy! I love you fur balls and I couldn’t imagine having a life without a cat in my house.. Lucky for me I have 4.. and you are not yappy! Dear Phil Collins, I am so hooked on you.. I loooove your music..I have loved it since I was a little girl.. and this is why..
Your freaking amazing! Timeless.. when you hit those drums.. something happens inside of me that I can't explain. And Jackson and I love dancing to you! Dear President Obama,
I still think you are better on your WORST day that what Romney will ever be on his best day. YOU HAVE MY VOTE. Dear Fall, you are so beautiful. I am loving you and its about time to go pick some pumpkins! Dear Dad, I know you hear me talking to you and I know you hear my prayers.. so maybe you can read this too.. Could you please help with this stupid stalker bitch who keeps putting down our family? I need your help.. and I don't care if its from the other-side or not.. Maybe you can come haunt her for me! Dear Wonderful Readers, Thank you so much for coming back to my blog over and over.. You guys have been so awesome.. and I need your help too. I have put a bounty on stalker girl for $500 CASH if you can figure out who she is.. You can find all the details right here. I am sorry if this person has bothered you in any way.. You just have to ignore her and hope she craws back to the dark hole she came from. But check it out if you want to make some extra Christmas Money! I am going to promoting it hard.. so sorry that you will have to hear so much about it.. BUT.. last night after it live I got over 7 emails in the first hour.. Seems to me.. people want the money!! So get to it!
Happy Friday!
K Jaggers
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