Late night hello to you
Its after 2am here. The past hour or so I have been trying to explain to mom what a blog link up is.. how to write the post..then link it up on another blog. It was a lengthy tutorial but I think she got it figured out! Day by day I am going over something new with her.. and she is even taking notes so she doesn't have to keep asking! Too funny! =)
Tonight was a pretty easy night. I let Jackson go to his friends baseball game but it started pouring down while he was gone. Some how the game went on!
I didn't get as much accomplished today as I wish I had. But that is one of the very big perks of being a stay at home wife. On days the house is pretty clean.. I can hang out and do my thing.. I did do a lot of laundry and its finished up until Sunday. If I felt like doing it.. it might be easier to do a couple loads a day and be done with it. But I seriously get tired of doing laundry everyday.
Tonight for dinner I just made something super easy..
Blt's & Chips |
I wanted to make something super easy. I normally make tator tots or fries with these but tonight I just sat out a few different kinds of chips and let everyone help themselves. It worked out ok too. I don't think I am going to get away with such an easy dinner tomorrow but it was nice not having that much to clean up. And everyone seemed to really like it!
I don't have any big plans tomorrow. I am just working around here with maybe a quick run to the store. Should be a pretty easy day!
I am still working on a downstairs closet that I want to get finished tomorrow. I am almost done except for the bottom.. and there is a ton of shoes and bags that will have to be moved upstairs. No fun at all!
Ohh.. the little kitten has been doing a lot of playing today. I am so happy seeing her getting use to things. This is still a really big house for a kitten so she is pretty restricted. I don't like her being upstairs when we are downstairs or vise versa. I also had to take my bed off the frame and drop the mattresses on right on the floor. When you have a new kitten.. its not good to have places such as under the bed. I have found its too hard to get them when you want them..and they could mess under there. So I don't ever have my bed up on a frame when there are kittys in the house. Which is pretty much all the time. I am pretty sure my husband is tried of putting the fame up.. taking the frame down.. over and over. But for the next while.. my bed is low!
I am sleepy so I am going to crawl in my cozy low bed.. and start dreaming!
K Jaggers
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