Sleepy Thursday!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

I am 36 years old and I seriously think mornings suck more now than ever. When my phone was going off to wake me up, I seriously wanted to throw it across the room. Its never been easy for me to wake up. Sometimes I fight it and try to go to bed early but it still doesn't make a difference in how I feel when I have to roll out of the bed. 

Last night I made Jackson's breakfast which included scrambled eggs and bacon.. and all he had to do is warm it up. I make the eggs " loose " so when its warmed up. they don't dry out. Also I will be showing you guys in the coming days my trick for morning omelets that I don't have to get up and cook in the mornings. Its so handy to have it all prepared the night before.

I had plans today of staying up all morning but that just DID NOT HAPPEN. And according to my husband, he wished he could go back to bed today too. I really didn't even try to stay up. I knew how bad I felt so I just took my ass back to bed after the boys left. And oddly enough, the first few hours of my " back to bed sleep " I had nightmares. Thankfully, I was able to wake myself up a few times to stop the dream but even now, I don't know what the bad dreams was about.. but I know, it was bad enough that somehow I woke myself back up.  Now I am feeling a little guilty because I really wanted to clean the house well today. I am still going to get busy but I doubt I accomplish all I need to do. I also need to make a quick run to the store.

Well I have a lot going on today.. Again if you have a question you want to ask that will be included in my

Ask the Housewife

you can clicky click right here to get to the form. You can ask me anything! However, be nice! If its a really mean or rude question, of course I won't answer it but send in your questions. I think at this point there are over 30 questions so far! =)

I need to get the house picked up some but I will be back soon with some normal Thursday posts!

Have a great day!

K Jaggers

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