Its ok that my energy level has really been low this week. Thinking about calling the Dr for a B-12 shot.
Its ok that my ear has been hurting for days.. For some reason this has been the worst year for ear aches for me.. Don't know what is up with that!
Its ok that I am really missing my husband. I will be so happy when this big sale is over.
Its ok that I forgot a bunch of freebies in my September Freebies post.. guess they will just have to roll over into October freebies!
Its ok that the days are getting shorter. I don't seem to accomplish as much but its ok.
Its ok that all the fall decorations are still not out.. BUT.. going to be working on it later today.
Its ok that the days are getting shorter. I don't seem to accomplish as much but its ok.
Its ok that all the fall decorations are still not out.. BUT.. going to be working on it later today.
Its ok that I still HATE mornings.. will that ever change? I doubt it will!
Its ok that I haven't bought one Christmas gift yet... nope! But I am starting to work on it!
Its ok that Romney was good last night.. but he's still not getting my vote.
Its ok that we still have not took our pine cone hike. I guess we are just too dang tired to do any hiking.
Its ok that I miss Brittany so much. I can't wait to see her again!
Have a great Thursday!
K Jaggers
Its ok that we still have not took our pine cone hike. I guess we are just too dang tired to do any hiking.
Its ok that I miss Brittany so much. I can't wait to see her again!
Have a great Thursday!
K Jaggers
I love your blog design:) Found you on the blog hop!