Sleep on this...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Tips On How to Get Better Sleep!

I found this online tonight and I thought it was so interesting that I had to share! So many interesting facts! =) 

So how was your Friday!? Mine was pretty good. I woke up early to see and talk to Scott and Jackson and fell back to sleep. Woke up and took it easy for most of the afternoon. Then I picked up Jackson and did some shopping. I made a food haul vlog.. you can see it right here. Then I got busy making dinner. It was really good and I have a post coming up on it tomorrow. I also did some videoing of new turkey recipe I am trying. I will have it up by Sunday!! I have been doing a lot more videos.. and guess what???? I am putting up another giveaway up over the weekend!!!!!!! Yep.. there will be 2 giveaways going on at the same time because right now the 

day planner and accessories giveaway is going on. One lucky winner will win everything in the picture.. You can check out all the details here. So this will be exciting! Plus...{ Here's an insider tip... my mom will be having a pretty great giveaway in the coming weeks too! =). You can click on her sweet button and get to her blog! ) 

I am so happy there is no alarm clock tomorrow. I don't get up first with Jackson but I do get up and it sucks. It really sucks.. But Jackson is out of school on Monday so that means we get to sleep in Saturday, Sunday, and MONDAY!!  Love it! 

Tomorrow is all about Laundry.. Laundry.. Laundry.. Laundry.. and even more Laundry. Its horrible.. The laundry room looks like a bomb has exploded in there. I honestly am having trouble finding certain articles of clothing.. and I really dread the job..


I won't be doing it at the laundry mat but I the picture is pretty accurate about how much laundry I will be doing tomorrow. I am not going to focus on much other than trying to cleaning that mess up. Its awful and I hate it. I hate the disorganization of it.. I hate how long, hot, heavy and tiring doing it will be, but it has to be done. In our house we have a big basket full of socks that never gets sorted.. never and each night I am digging for Jackson's socks. So I am really going to try to get it done. It suppose to be 71 tomorrow so I might just put laundry outside to dry.

I am also making a Rachel Ray 30 minute in full tomorrow night for dinner. Pretty exciting and I am trying to videos most of it. I hope the boys like it because its a little different than what they are use to!

Check out this spooky picture of Romeo I took tonight..


Crazy looking ain't it!??

And Gyspy is pretty tiny.. but cute!

She's a little crazy cat.. don't let the picture fool ya! She loves to bite toes and run laps through the bedroom in the morning right across your head.. she's holds her own with all the big cats! 

Well.. I am sleepy.. time for bed! 

Have a wonderful weekend!

K Jaggers

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