October Plans!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October is here.. and there are tons of things going on.

Here's our plans..

We have

Laura's Birthday come October 5th!!!!!

Its also the time to get

the garlic planted ... Such an easy plant to grow!

We have

parent teacher meetings for Jackson this month too.. YIKES!

We also have to plan birthday festivities

for Jackson! My baby will be 10 years old this year.. Wow.. time really does fly by.

Its also time to get out the coats and get them all laundered. 

So they are fresh and clean for the fall and winter! 

We also still need get the garage cleaned out while we are still having warm days..

otherwise it will never get done in the winter.. that picture is total inspiration. 

We also have to

pumpkins to get carved...

We still have

fall decorating to do!

We will also have to rake leaves and take time

to make a photo opt of it!

Also its time for

husby to get the gutters cleaned out. Yea.. that will take some persuasion.. he's got a list of things waiting on him to get done.

Its also time to get the house filled up with lots of candy 

for trick or treaters!! 

Its also coming upon time to figure out

what costume Jackson is going to be wearing.. We have no idea yet what he is going to be!

We also have to start planning what we are having for Halloween Dinner.. Since little Jackson is here we have to have a fun Halloween dinner!

Here are my ideas..

Halloween dinner

Halloween dinner ideas

Its also coming upon time to start making some of the comfort foods of fall such as

Comforting Beef Stew


apple pie!!

Lots going on this month!!! So exciting!


Happy October!!

K Jaggers
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