Happy Friday!

Friday, October 5, 2012

I am soooooo happy today is Friday! I want the weekend with my family! So first things first.. THANK YOU for all your emails on the case of Bounty Giveaway! Now.. remember google maps does not have it right.. I got one guy who is leaps and bounds ahead of everyone and came back with some GREAT information.. and he's still working on the case! Totally appreciate all of you! If you think you can crack the stalker girl case then by all means.. check out THIS POST for the details. Again.. don't leave too many comments on the post because stalker girl reads them all.. We want this to be a shock of a life time for her. I also printed out that hate blog of hers this morning in case she gets smart and takes it down. But it doesn't matter now.. I have it so that will be used in the lawsuit. I am planning on seeking criminal and civil relief and I bet I get it. I can't wait to go tell her husband and family what she has been doing. So thank you so much for your help.. its still open.. so if you are handy with a computer then this is for you! 

I don't know about you guys but I am really happy the weekend is here! I have some cleaning up around here to do today but I am planning on hiking with Jackson for pine cones.. Yep.. that has been put off for weeks!! I am also planning on getting the rest of the fall decorations up this weekend and I plan on doing some baking! 

I know its a little far out.. but I am also working on Christmas plans. We have a BUNCH of people coming to us this Christmas so we are going to have a full house.. I don't know where everyone is going to sleep but I am sure we will work it all out! 

I was up till after 4am last night working with one of the "detectives" so I am a bit sleepy today but it was so worth it. He confirmed what I thought. But I need the proof for the police. I might need a nap today! 

Anyway, have a great weekend! 

K Jaggers
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