
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I bought that adorable pet bed over a year ago.. and I couldn't get any of the kitty cats to use it but tonight a new girl took it over and has been snuggled up in it for hours! Its right beside my bed.. so I can watch her really well! Sooooo happy its finally being used! Isn't she adorable!?

It was a pretty good day around here. I am super happy that husby took his day off but he was at the dealership 3 or 4 times anyway... but I understand why. He was trying to get everything done so Brandon can start work tomorrow! Woooo-hoooo!!! I am so happy for him. I am sure he would rather wait a while but its important to start work and start saving his money. He is so quiet.. which I like but I also think its important to bring him out of his shell a little bit and there is no one better to help with that than my husband. Hes like Mr. Social Butterfly and helps me a lot with the same issues. I seriously don't know how I would ever leave the house without him. I'm really serious. I have problems mingling out in the public. I think it is from being home so much. But thankfully I have a very outgoing husband! 

While I got busy in the kitchen Brandon got some kitty time in.. 

and I was lucky to snap this picture! He loves all the cats but I think he is really loving the kitten who likes to sit on his shoulder like a parrot!

I wanted to get dinner done as early as I could because it was a big night in front of the tv. So I went for 

Meatloaf with gravy, mashed potatoes and carrots. 

The meat loaf was really good. I really think it gets treated unfairly.. I think its a great meal and my meatloaf is anything but dry and boring. 

I also got busy and baked some 

Turtle Brownies. I am not a big fan of nuts but I love how ooey and gooey these brownies were.. and they were the perfect desert to sit down in front of the tv while the 

debate was going on. Did any of you guys watch it? I found it interesting and I am much happier with how the President did this time. Women rights will stop me from voting for any political official..president or otherwise. And lets face it .. I'm pretty left! =)

After the debate I found myself RUSHING to a hot bath..


I have been pretty cold all night long and the bath helped warm me up. I don't think there is any better way to end any kind of day that a hot bath. And I used some of that new sugar scrub husby got me a few days ago!

Now I am laying in bed thinking about tomorrow. I am going to need to go do some grocery shopping so I want to try to get up and get moving a little earlier tomorrow. I will have the house to myself so that will be nice! I love my family but I also love my alone time. It not easy to balance that out but I do think I need to start going to sleep earlier  It was after 5am before I feel to sleep this morning. That seriously needs to change. I am about to take my sleep meds to ensure that doesn't happen 2 nights in a row. 

I hope you have a great Wednesday! 


K Jaggers

1 comment on "Dreamy.."
  1. Newest follower here! I found you through the Tuesday link up. Super cute blog! I can't wait to read more.


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