Picking our Halloween Dessert! What will it be???

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I am still trying to figure out what halloween dessert I am going to make for us around here.. there are so many cool ideas! I complied some together so we can all figure out what we are making! 
So here are links to the sources of the photos and recipes for the adorable and delicious-looking Halloween desserts shown above:
Bottom row: Pumpkin cake with dripping icinggreen-”stemmed” jack-o-lantern cake

I am really liking the kitty cat cake and it looks pretty easy to do! Maybe that will be my pick! 

K Jaggers

4 comments on "Picking our Halloween Dessert! What will it be??? "
  1. I love the cat cake! Very cute!
    Dropping by from the GFC blog hop. :)

  2. Thank you for linking up to Wonderful Food Wednesday. They all look super fun. Looking forward to reading about your creation.


  3. I've made the cat cake several times and it's always fun to decorate differently each time.

  4. Fun cake compilation! Good luck deciding:) Thanks for coming to party with us at Whimsy Wednesday!

    Smart! School {House}


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