Happy Sunday everyone!
Its a lazy afternoon around here.. its an over cast day.. looks like rain and we are all still in our pjs! Well Jackson and I are in our pjs still.. Husby is in fact dressed and out playing golf. So we are home for the afternoon alone and I don't really have any plans except clean up the house a little.. play online.. and get the chicken and dumplings made for dinner. Easy day!
And it couldn't get easier for Romeo for sure..
Under our tv is normally a clock and a couple stacks of DVD's.
And Romeo decided that its his new hang out place...
for an afternoon nap.
He really is one of the most relaxed cats ever.. I still think we should have named him Fancy Pants - Marshmallow - Jaggers and called him Mallow for short. However, he has no problem knocking things off the tables, the tv stand, the bathroom counters, just so his big ass has a comfy place to sleep.. He knocked a lamp off a living room end table yesterday.. which did kinda tick me off but how could I possibly stay upset at this...
adorable boy! He is one of my biggest loves! ♥ I guess he is entitled to a lazy Sunday afternoon too!
I have slept like crazy the last 2 days but I am betting it won't make it any easier to pull myself out of the bed tomorrow morning... that's the hardest thing about Jackson and school for me.. is the mornings! It sucks but THANKFULLY... I have a husband who does the morning shift much better than I do! But I still have to get up. I am a planner so I get everything ready the night before.. including breakfast. - However - hugs and kisses can't be set out the night before! At 730am, I have to roll out that bed and I hate it!
I have watched so many good movies the past few days.. I can't wait to get the reviews up!
Hope you enjoy your Sunday!
K Jaggers
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