Hello friends! Hope your Saturday went as easy as ours. We had a very relaxing night. Ohh.. all the weekly drugstore steals & deals are now up. You can click here to get to them all! Lots of information so take your time and scroll through all the sale items!
We didn't do much around here tonight. It was a night in front of the tv.. relaxing and trying to recover from the flu. We both are still feeling a little under the weather but we are getting better with each passing day. And little Jackson is still feeling great. I can't believe how lucky he is, not to get sick when he has 2 parents roaming around with colds.
The weather around here has really started to cool off. We have had high 70's low 80's during the day and at night its getting to the low 60's. A sure sign that
I had the oven going tonight which kept it nice and cozy in the house. I am totally loving this time of year. The cozy sweaters, pumpkin coffees, leaves falling, cooler temperatures, all make me
=) .
Scott is going to go play golf in the morning. I don't think he tees off till after 11 so he won't be back until the evening. It will be a good day for him to play. The weather is suppose to be gorgeous! I am not sure what I am going to be doing. There is plenty of things that need my attention. Soon, I am going to be cleaning out the garage. Its a total mess out there and I want to get it done before it gets cold.
I am also wanting to go through the freezer and start getting things ready for winter. Sounds silly huh? I like to make pasta in the fall and freeze to use in the winter.. same with pizza dough and bread dough.. I also like to make some meals ahead of time, freeze them for those winter nights when I just don't want to cook. I think I am going to take a week or so to just make freezer items.. and maybe I will take you guys along with me!
I am working on my giveaway post. I filmed a video tonight but the yellow bathroom walls really washed out all the colors and made me even look more sick than what I already look. So I think I am going to re film it tomorrow in the natural light. If something happens I don't.. I will just use the one from tonight. But hoping that sometime tomorrow I can get it redone in better lighting. I am excited to share this giveaway with you and plan on having more giveaways in the near future!
Well I am off to bed.
Have a blessed Sunday!
K Jaggers
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