
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Super happy I am in bed right now. Its been a long day for me and nothing feels better than blogging from my fluffy blankets! And tomorrow is also going to be busy. I have some shopping and errands to do and I have to be back before Jackson gets off the bus. I could end up waiting till afterwards and just take him with me. We'll just have to wait and see. 

Speaking of the School bus.. its become a tradition of sorts that I leash up 

Super Cooper and head to the bus stop every day. Cooper loves it and 

Jackson loves it too. 

After he got home today, we went to the market to do a little shopping. 

We needed a few things and I wanted to get some fresh steaks for dinner. 

I love that we can now find every kind of meat from Harvest Farms organic in our store. Jackson even knows what to look for now. You know what I want to do?? I want to switch my family from Organic Whole Milk to Organic Soy Milk. I don't know how successful I will be in trying this but I might just have to try it anyway! Soy milk is good.. and much better for your body than cow milk. But its got a slightly different taste so I am not sure how well this will go! Anyway, dinner was GREAT! 

Tonight I got a a new picture of our newest member of the Jaggers Clan.. 

She is precious but right now I have no name picked out!! I can't pick her up until October 6th.. If you have a suggestion leave it in the comments! Right now I think Buttons is cute.. But who knows.. I have a little over a month to figure it out! 

Ohh.. If you are reading this could you please put both my grandmother and my Aunt in your prayers please? My grandmother is in poor health.. falling and hurting herself all the time and my moms sister is on life support. Yea.. its not good.. In fact, if things go really bad we will have to go north to be with the family. No one really knows whats going to happen with her. My mom has been in the hospital with her on and off. She is working up north and able to drive back and forth to Indiana. She is even taking Brittany to Cincinnati this weekend. We just have a lot going on with our family. Prayers please. 

Time for bed. 

Have a great Thursday! 


K Jaggers
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