7 Questions # 20

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I am linking up this evening with Gentri over at Gentri Lee Blog for 7 Questions and Answers! 

1. Hamburger or Hotdog? (veggie versions count)

I like both.. but I think it would have to be a dressed hamburger! But I love hot dogs/chili dogs too! =)

2. If you had to live on any other planet in our solar system, besides Earth, which would you choose?

I guess I would die here on earth because there is no way in hell I would strap myself onto a rocket to go anywhere! 

3. Share a photo of an outfit that represents your personal style, please. (doesn't have to be of you)




4. Would you rather get ready for the day or get ready for bed?
Definitely BED.. I enjoy a long hot bath every night and I look forward to it every day. I never climb into clean sheets without a shower or bath.. I just can't! 

5. You have to choose between never having eyelashes or never having eyebrows, which would you choose?

Lashes.. You can add the individual ones that will last a few days but drawn on eyebrows looks bad every time! 

6. What do you want to be when you grow up?

I retired a few years ago.. Thankfully I have a wonderful husband to work outside the house while I take care of the kids and our home... I also breed cats! It works out great.. BUT if I would have loved to have been a political journalist living in Washington.

7. Do you set your clocks right on time, or a few minutes ahead or behind? 

I don't set them ahead.. whats the point if you already know they are fast?  If you are trying to fool your kids to get out the door sooner.. then maybe but I prefer to know the exact time! 


K Jaggers
3 comments on "7 Questions # 20"
  1. I sat and watched your little globe tracker on your sidebar for a good minute. haha! So interesting! Ya, I would prefer to die on earth too. :)

  2. Thats too funny! You can click on the revolvemaps text and get one too! =) Thanks for coming by!

  3. I agree about the timing of clocks. I set them ahead for awhile but would just thinking I have more time because they're ahead--and then overestimate and be late anyway haha. I definitely am with you on that one!


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