Hello friends.. its late in the afternoon ( 2pm ) and I am totally exhausted. I would rather still be in bed right now. Last night was pretty strange for me. I lost my wedding rings when we came home from the pool and I was super upset about it. I was hunting all over the house until 6am looking for my rings. I was in a panic.. I am shocked I didn't wake everyone in the house up searching for them. I was trying to retrace my steps and nothing was bringing those rings back to me.. I kept praying to God all while hunting for them and finally I decided to give up and go to bed. But my bed was a wreck from the kittys playing with the sheets. I went to make my bed up ( put the fitted sheet back on ) and there was..
my rings laying on the mattress!! Woooooo-hooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! I must had laid them on the sheet next to me and then when the cats were playing they patted them around and some how the sheet got over them. I had searched that bed over and over and nothing.. But needless to say, I am so freaking happy to have found them. I doubt I would have ever went to sleep without finding them.
To top off my night.. we had storms last night and I lost my tv and internet. Which SUCKED!!! I could get online with my phone but really that didn't matter because I was hunting for those rings anyway. I am still so thankful I found them. I even woke up husby about 5am and asked him if he had seen them.. and when he left for work around 8am he saw them back on my hand where they belong!
Since the power was out last night, here is a little recap of last night...
I went out and picked some tomatoes from the garden..
We have so many that I am going to be freezing these like I showed here.. Love fresh veggies from the garden!
For dinner I made some quick
Tacos. We had to have a fast easy dinner because we had family night swim to go to..
It wasn't long before we took off ( with full bellies ) and headed
to the pool!
It was a rather cool night around here and I was a little nervous about the water being cold but not Jackson..
He was right up on the diving board and Brittany Belle
jumped right in too! It was actually warmer in the pool than outside!
There is husby diving in!
It really got cool when the sun went down..
But the sky looked so pretty!
And that was pretty much our night!
We came home.. vegged out for a while and then I went on the hunt for my rings.. and dealt with no power, no tv, no computer or internet.. and now I am totally exhausted. I am seriously thinking about taking a nap in a few but first .... time to get some left over tacos made for Jackson!
Can you believe its August already? I can't.. School starts Monday for Brittany. Lots and Lots to do before Monday.. including a trip back home. Lots to do!
K Jaggers