Making Homemade Butter!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Making Homemade

Making homemade butter couldn't be easier!! I remember making this in 2nd grade.. passing the jar around our circle shaking it.. It was a lot of fun to see how the butter practically made itself with just a little shaking! 

All you need are some little jars.. I bought little canning jars to make it but old baby food jars work just as good! And then you will need some heavy cream! 

Fill the little jars up with the cream.. make sure the lids are on good.. 

and shake.. shake.. shake!! 

You can see it coming together in the jar.. 

And in about 10-15 minutes you will have the whey and the butter.. 

Once the butter has clumped together, put in a bowl and continue mashing it with a spoon and then rinse the butter in cold water.. Yes it sounds weird but all you have to do is rinse it in the bowl.. and drain it.. do it a couple of times until the water runs clear.. then add some salt to taste and your done! 

Great Great Activity for the kids! 


K Jaggers