Sleeping in..

Tuesday, July 3, 2012
sleeping in.

I woke up today... with 1 boy climbing in my bed .. then a little while later another little boy climbed up in the bed.. turned on the tv and laid down.. before I knew it, we were all crashed back out.. and at 1215 we all started to wake up! Its 1pm and around here, the boys are just starting to eat breakfast! WOW!! I don't care.. if kids can't sleep in during the summer, then they are truly missing out on one of summers greatest treasures. I love that Zane feels close enough to come cuddle up and of course Jackson has no problem in coming and jumping in the bed.. It was sweet.. and the sleep felt good! 

So clearly we are getting a late start to the day. I was up late anyway.. so I don't mind. BUT.. a week or two before School starts for Jackson ( which is August 27th ) we are going to have to get back on schedule so we can get up! Jackson is going to be on a totally different schedule so he better enjoy sleeping in now! 

Romeo is running around here at warp speed running around here driving Willow crazy. We had him in the bed with us last night and every time Scot moved his feet.. he bit them! It was the funniest thing ever to watch but I had to put him out otherwise Scott would have never got any sleep. That kitten is the cutest ever! He reminds me of my old cat Rajah.. and every time I look at him.. my ♥ grows bigger! 

I think we are going to see some fireworks tonight. They have things going on tonight and tomorrow so I guess we are heading out at dark.. I wish we were having our cookout but I HATE the 4th being on a Wednesday so we are putting the cookout off for a couple weeks.. but we are still having it! 

Well, time to get a few things done! Hope you have a Tuesday. 

K Jaggers