FREE Access to Census, Immigration, and Military Records + More (July 3rd-8th Only!)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Are you in the process of creating a family tree or maybe you just want to find out more about your long lost family members?! If so, then this offer is right up your alley!
Through July 8th, head on over to where for 5 days only you can snag FREE access to 65 million ancestry records and discover your family’s story! At, you will find Census Records, Immigration Records, Military Records, Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, plus more! I have not tried this site before, but would love to hear from any of you that have. I also plan to use it.. My grandfather did a huge family tree and tracked our family back 250 years.. and maybe if I try this out.. I can add more! 
(Thanks, I Crave Freebies!)
K Jaggers