Is that not an adorable picture? I walked into my bathroom and saw these too on the bar stool that I sit on to apply make up. I about died at how cute they were so quickly got my phone and snapped a few pictures! Look at how much bigger Romeo is that Willow and he's not even 5 months old yet! He is going to be freaking HUGE!
I got up today.. got some blogging done.. had some coffee and then we took off to get the boys hair cut. At Walmart right now they are running a kids special for $8 and I thought that was a great price for before school hair cuts!
I have been trying to grow Jacksons hair out so he can part it but I couldn't deal with the hairy monster any longer..
Jackson was up first..
Then Mr. Zane..
Neither of the boys were really happy about it but they trust me and went right along with it.
Zane was scared to death that I was going to have his long bangs cut off.. but that really wasn't the plan for him!
Instead it was just a trip up, leaving the long bangs!
Before I knew it, they both were done.. and
Zane had his bangs!
Before leaving it was a shot at the crane game for both of them...
Total waste of money.. and it made Jackson pretty unhappy that he wasted his quarters in that machine instead of getting some candy!
I ended up buying the candy anyway..=) Both boys did so great that I was proud of them.
We came home.. the boys started playing xbox and I thought it would be the perfect time to go out and pick a bunch of the ripe tomatoes BARE FOOT..
Not smart on my part... I was picking away and when I started my way to the front door I stepped on
a bee in the grass. I am VERY allergic to bees and I thought I was going to pass out in the yard. Some how I managed to get into the house with..
the bowl of tomatoes. Once I got into the door.. I screamed out for the boys.. they both came running.. and they would say. I was as pale as a ghost. I started sweating really badly and felt sick. I was worried about my throat closing off but I managed to tell the boys where my medication was and they were such a huge help. I was a total wreck but I got all dosed up and to the couch and for the next few hours I didn't move. I was worried that I was going to end up in the ER but the meds worked and I am still here! Thank you so much Zane and Jackson!! I love you both!
Scott came home about 2 hours later and ended up taking the boys out to
golf.. By time that came around, I was able to hobble around the house and get it picked up some. I am proud to say the bathrooms are very clean now and it feels great to have that job done.
Once they got back, we had some time out on the back deck with the cats..
Gosh isn't he cute!?
Cooper was out there too hanging out and the boys I snapped some more pictures of the boys.. not like I don't have enough already right!?
We sat out there for over an hour just talking while Scott rested up from his long day and the golf course..
So then it was time for some food. Such a simple dinner.. Fish sticks and butter and garlic rice with some fruit.. and the boys ate it up!
Then it was time for them to enjoy a 3d movie.. and
Super Cooper even had his own glasses to watch it with them! I kid you not. he was right up there wataching the movie too!
The rest of the night we just hung out.. I enjoyed a hot bath and here I am..
Ohhh.. isn't this picture also adorable!?
And right now I am watching..
while listening to husby snore! It sure isn't going to be easy to fall asleep but I have to try.. We have a day at a indoor water park coming up tomorrow. Its a smaller one but looked really nice and easy to watch the boys!
I hope you checked out all this weeks sales going on.. If you haven't seen them you can check all the drugstore steals and deals under the pages over →.... =) I plan on getting just a beauty sale post up in the coming days. stay tuned!
Sweet Dreams
K Jaggers