Last night I was so tired that there was no way I could post any of these pictures before getting some sleep! Yesterday was a good day.. We got up and got out the door pretty fast and grabbed some lunch!
The boys wanted Burger King so that's what we had!
While I was standing in line to get our food a lady brought back her burger and guess what it had in it??
A freaking pen cap. NO JOKE.. How the hell does a pen cap get inside of a burger. You would think their eyes would be open when making the food. I was shocked and checked our food really well.. And I have resverations about going back. And all the manager did was replace the burger.. I think she should have got free Burger King for a month. What if she or even one of her kids choked on it?
Anyway, after that we went to pick out Zane some shoes for school. We are doing one at a time and he goes home in just a couple days so he's first.
We went to

and he must have tried on 25 different pairs. He had his pick and he came out with ..
Grey New Balance shoes. I wanted him to get a black pair of Nikes but I wanted him to be happy and to pick out what he would wear. I shocked with the color as well as the shoe but he loved them so that's what we went with..
He also got his
Black and grey back pack ( full of his school supplies )
He wears uniforms and that is super easy to deal with. makes shopping much less complicated because you can just order them online!
So Zane is done with school stuff!! YEA!!!
We came home after our shopping and the boys broke out
the domino's.
I haven't seen these in so many years!
and it was fun watching them go down..
Before we knew it.. another rain storm came our way..
and the boys went out to get wet!
I think its so sweet watching the kids play in the rain..
Husby came home and I was so freaking happy for boys night out. I love the kids dearly but breaks are nice and this one I really wanted.
They took off to get some tacos and to go see..
in 3D of course!
I decided to go get some dinner for myself..
It was really nice eating something that was just not - kid friendly - meal..
The spaghetti Carbonara was so good.. and I even have left overs for lunch today! I worked on laundry and watched tv last night in the peace and enjoyed every minute of quiet time!
Also check out the rock candy after 2 days!!!
Is that not the coolest!? I have a ton of other pictures and videos that will show you how to make this step by step.. and as soon as the rest of the candy is ready I will be sure to get that post up! I am hoping I can have the post up before this next weekend because we are traveling to Louisiana so I won't be posting a lot on those days.. but I will do my best to get it up as soon as I can.. but the candy has to be done first!
Late in the evening...I was talking with Courtney and she was getting ready for her fun filled weekend! I thought it was so funny when she sent me this picture and asked if she looked ok!?
Shes so cute and I hope she is having a great time! She also needs the break.. She posted this adorable picture of Sean Michael right before she left that I thought I would share with you guys..

Is he not the cutest!? Adorable! I haven't seen him in over a month but I am hoping that we can meet up soon so I can get my hands on him.
Anyway, it was a great Friday the 13th!!
Now we are off to go get haircuts for the boys!
K Jaggers