Helloooo...I am sure many of you are sleeping right now but here is 1245 and I am resting comfortably in my bed. Its a little earlier than last night so I am happy! Boy, am I tired.. its been a super long day and it lasted all the way most of day, evening and night.
My day started with some computer time.. Brittany got up and cleaned up and was in a good mood! Yea!!
But the attitude still shines through some!
For the kids the precious
ipad was the focus. The kids love it.. and was on it a ton today..
I got busy around the house and after lunch I got busy
cleaning carpets.
It took forever for me to get the carpet really clean..
and moving the furniture into the breakfast nook
wasn't easy either.
More of the furniture was pushed in
foyer.. everything was a total mess!
In the mean time, the yard guys came and got the
the grass all cut..
And my nosey daughter loved it..
the dog loved it too!
By this time it was around 6 pm and all the neighborhood kids came out to play!
And it was more ipad time..
I'm serious.. I can't believe how much the kids love that thing!
Jackson was out riding bikes with 2 of the neighborhood kids and Cooper was banned to the indoors for most of the time.
Yesterday he popped the basketball. I wasn't too happy about it either.. but he does look pretty cute with that big ball! From now on.. he has to be in when they are playing basketball.. otherwise this is going to happen again.
Husby pulled in about 7pm.. and we enjoyed some alone time on the back porch ( carpet was wet ) while the kids played out front. It was nice to get some time with him. He was in bed pretty early. But he did help get all the furniture back in the living room.
I hung outside with the kids and a couple of of the neighborhood moms watching the boys play. I am amazed at how well they all get along. I must have been out there close two 2 hours because around 845 I came in exhausted. I had to get dinner made. I hate dinner being so late. But the kids are off playing and they don't want to come into eat..So around 920 I had dinner on the table.
Beef Stroganoff, mashed potatoes and fresh green beans with bacon. It was actually pretty fast to make and the kids loved it.
They cleaned the table while I cleaned the rest of the kitchen..and by that point my legs were jello. I couldn't go any further.. I sneaked off to a hot bath and no one came banging on the door! =)
It was a better day. I keep thinking that my grand father is up above laughing saying I am getting my payback! But most of the time I don't have that many problems out of them.. but Jackson doesn't seem to be the problem child around here.. instead my daughter is. In my ex's house its just the opposite.
Anyway, tomorrow is going to be super busy. I have a ton of things to do to get ready.. I have to get us packed up for our trip.. get the kids picked up to go to Courtney's.. Plus I am getting their meals cooked and ready.. Plus I have to get things ready for the housesitter.. but I am going to be trying out a new way to water my back yard plants with a string. I will be sure to let you know!
I am trying to get a beauty and food review up and I will have those up as soon as possible but I doubt it won't happen till tomorrow night.
Have a great Thursday!
K Jaggers