Hello!! Happy Happy Thursday!
All of us... including my little Jackson slept in today. We were all up wayyyyy to late late last night and I think even though we have a lot going on today.. we all needed some rest. I have chore list all wrote out for the kids and they are not going to be happy because I am putting them to work today! We are all leaving for the weekend.. and that means lots of packing and lots of cleaning. Jackson is in the middle of the Fast Five and as soon as that movie is over, we are starting.. Actually Brittany is still sleeping too. She is just like me.. loves to stay up late at night and sleep all day!
I plan on doing another packing video... if I have time.. I know that packing for a car trip is never easy and we travel by car so much.. that I have packing down to a science! Packing for a plane trip is totally different! If we didn't have such a large family, we would end up flying more but with the prices of airline tickets now days, we rarely fly unless its just Scott and I. Brittany is great about flying alone.. but flying us and the kids just isn't happening! And since the last car trip was hell over that long wreck.. I am totally packing some snacks and food in case that happens again.
Tomorrow I have so much to do.. I will be meeting my friend Courtney around 12 about 45 minutes away to drop off the kids. I can't tell you how grateful I am for her keeping them. She has her son Jake.. and a new baby.. Sean Michael and she is working from home right now..so she already has her hands full too. And watching my two will only add more work for her to do. I am so thankful that she can and will do it. Brittany is super excited about hanging out with her.. ( last summer they really hit it off! ) and Jackson is excited about playing with her son Jake. I will be in constant contact.. and if they cause any problems they will be in super dooper trouble when I get home! Anyway, we have to totally get packed up for that today and I have their meals to get ready.. and packed..I just hope she lets me repay the favor! We already got our 4th of July plans made.. and I am sure she will be around a lot more as the summer moves on! =) I will be posting pictures of their weekend at her house because I have asked her to take lots of pictures!! And she loves photography and catching beautiful moments as much as I do!
Then I need to do some shopping. We another twin bed for Zane. I am unsure what to do.. I could go buy another twin set.. We have 2 but what I want to do is buy a nice air mattress. That way, we can put it up afterwards.. And we could use it camping or something if we needed it. I mean we have a house full of beds and there really isn't much room for another one!
Time to get moving around here. We are already late! Be back with some coupon tips!
K Jaggers