Its about 11:15pm and I am just about ready to call it a night. I have to be up early again.. and I have to get some sleep. Not really looking forward to it either. Saturday is going to be my happy day where I can sleep in as long as I want!
Sorry if I didn't call many people today. I was out and about till after noon.. had lunch with Scott and then came home and spent the rest of the day with him.. and I make it a point to not pick up my phone unless its the kids. I am always complaining that even when he is not working.. he's working. And I hate that he is always on the phone. So we have no phones as much as possible on days and nights that we are together. I am sure many of you guys already know this.. but I will be making calls as normal tomorrow!
I have to go back to community service tomorrow. I got an email from a reader asking why I seemed so happy with it. Ha! Not happy that I have to go at all. But.. I am wanting to get it taken care of so its over. If I keep speeding around town, getting pulled over, they will do a lot more than just give me some community service to do. I have been wearing my seat belt.. trying to drive the speed limit and not get into any more trouble.. otherwise Scott is going to try to take my keys away.. Key word.. → Try! ←. It wasn't so bad today. I even have pictures but I think on Saturday I will try to do a catch up post if I don't get to it sooner But shoot.. I worked for an hour at the Armory.. along with 2 teenage girls and another woman close to my age. Then we were told to turn on the tvs, take a nap, go outside and hang out at the table.. anything to kill time. AWESOME! Tomorrow I am going to take in my laptop and hopefully they won't mind. If thats the case, I will get all caught up on blogging while I am there. We are even allowed to take lunch from 12 -1 off site and that hour is even counted. I live way too far away from there to come home for an hour. I might do some shopping.. grab some lunch.. and or go to sleep in the car right there for a while. Not sure but I will figure out something to do with that hour. I will only be staying till 130 tomorrow.. Thursday.. and Friday. Then DONE! Wooooo-hoooo! I am not embarrassed by it.. I am the one who got into the trouble.. and I have to make things right. I don't know how sitting around watching The View at the Armory repays my debt to society but whatever. Speaking of The View... did any of you see it today. The President was on and I still like him just as much. I know the economy still sucks but that wasn't all caused by him and its a big job to clean up. I don't want to get into politics too much on here because I know it stirs up a lot of emotion for many people.. including myself.. but I find him so personable. Loved the show today!
I will also be emailing everyone back tomorrow while I am sitting around too. I have a lot to catch up on.. and even on the ones where there they are just comments on a post.. I still like to say thank you.. so please don't think I forgot you! I know I am always running behind on emails. Scott was looking though my phone the other day.. his was dead.. and we were out. He was shocked at the # of emails I have from this blog. I should open comments back up and it would make things a little easier but still not too sure that is a good idea. If you are new here.. then maybe you don't know why I don't allow comments.. I had a mean person that I call - stalker - who would just leave some nasty messages and even though I could approve them or not.. I would still have to see them. I am sure that if I open things back up, they would start in again. I don't care.. but I don't want to have their negative bullshit in my life so I opt not to allow comments just because of them. I know it sucks for many of you because sending an email is not as easy and just typing a fast comment and going on. But.. you all have been great with understanding and even to my surprise.. more of you email than ever commented. So thank you for that.. and I haven't forgotten you! I am just very busy and try to deal with emails once or twice a week. I do read them as they come in.. but replying takes a little longer!
Scott and I had a really good day.. He worked out in the yard for a while.. in between thunderstorms and then we came in laid around and warmed left overs for dinner. Super easy... and perfect for a night of more thunderstorms. Right now its pouring down here.. thundering, and really coming down. I guess all that rain is great for all the flowers! Speaking of flowers... tomorrow I plan on telling you guys what happened with 1-800-flowers and us.. so stay tuned for that post. Very interesting.. but something I think I should share with all of you because I am always posting deals about flowers.
Well, my plan is to be asleep within 20 minutes so I can get at least 7 1/2 hrs of sleep tonight.. so time for my sleeping pill and lights out!
Have a great Wednesday.. I will be back in the morning sometime reporting from community service! =)
K Jaggers