Sunny Wednesday!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hello everyone! I have been up since 10am.. YAWN.. but couldn't really get out of the bed. I just laid there with the cats playing and then the dog was up on the bed and before I knew it.. I was feeding the cats and having coffee outside and playing ball with Super Cooper. Ha! I already got the beds made.. and actually feeling pretty good considering how late I got to sleep. I don't even remember Scott kissing me goodbye today either.. but I did hear the door shut when the guys left.

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I am actually really happy about waking up a bit earlier so I can get somethings done around here today. With Scott being home all day yesterday..all my time was spent with him. He demands attention and there was little cleaning that I could get done. I am however ate up with bug bites from hanging outside with him so much yesterday and it S-U-C-K-S. We bought a bunch of bug candles but I think we are going to have to buy one of those bug zappers. Otherwise we are going to end up with West Nile around here. Scott is the one who usually gets ate up.. but today I am betting I have over 15 bites on me. I need to find something to put on them to stop the itching.. any suggestions!?

I am sitting here watching the afternoon news... boy politics really get me going. This year the Democratic  Headquarters is going to be in Charlotte. If I had the time and more importantly the energy, I would go volunteer. Scott would want to kill me but we have very very different political views but we both support each other.. ( most of the time )..On a election year.. our home is heated because of the political debates between us. I don't talk too much on politics on here.. but there are times I just can't help myself. Such as Obamas new ad where he is talking about his decision to go get Osma Bin Laden.. and about the hard choices. Sure its to get votes..and while I might not totally agree with it.. the other side would have done the exact same. I don't think we should be just jumping up and down for killing anyone. But the commerical isn't really that way and even President Clinton is on it. Its not near as bad as anyone is saying. Right now its all about the votes and all the men/women in the political world are thinking about. So I just don't think its as bad as everyone else does.

Well, I have some laundry to go hang out.. which is so much better than running the dryer. I can dry clothes FASTER outside than with our dryer. Scott keeps saying we are getting a new one but I keep holding on to keeping the old one. We don't even use it that much in the spring, summer, and even fall so I think we can wait till after the holidays before buying a new one. But husby disagrees and it wouldn't surprise me a bit if he goes in there and tears it up. I just don't want to spend the $. =) Anyway, going to be cleaning things up around here, blogging, and enjoying this beautiful day! 3 weeks and the kids will be here.. so I have to really start getting things going. Plus I still need to do the stupid traffic classes this next week too. I sure don't want to do them but I don't really have a choice. But whatever.. I will just do it.

I will be back later!


K Jaggers