Thunderstorms are still rolling through.. Its been so relaxing that its been hard to get things done around here. I just want to cuddle up and wait it out.
I am getting ready to call it a night. I have to be up early and go to community service for my tickets. I am still not done. I have more speeding ticket hearings and it really just sucks. I wish I could just ignore it but I have found that only makes things worse. I have to get 19 hours in by Friday. Yep.. no fun. So I am breaking it down a bit. I am going to get up early and go tomorrow.. I am going to stay until Scott gets out of work.. which will be around noon or 1pm. I just want to get it over before the kids get here. I have so much to do before they come.. If I get the community service done this week.. I will have all of next to week to prepare for their arrival.
I know I will not be blogging as much with such a busy few weeks and then the summer with the kids. I will have to use my time wise to get it all done! I will still make sure to get the coupon posts up but in the summer things slow down just a bit! Not to worry though.. I manage this blogging schedule every summer!
Scott was in a much better mood tonight than what he was this morning. Thank goodness because I was going to lock him out if he was a grump tonight! =)
Well, need sleep being I am getting up early!
Talk to you guys tomorrow.