
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Just a quick hello before I get busy posting some coupon post! I made it through the community service. It was easier than I thought it would be. Three other woman along with myself did a few cleaning type of things - that lasted an hour - then we were done. I asked if what should we do next.. and he said pull up a chair, turn on the tv.. take a nap.. read.. go outside.. do what ever.. WOW! So I just hung out for a while.. - and tomorrow I will be prepared for nothing to do! - I plan on taking my laptop and just blogging from there! =) I will be happy to get this shit done. I have 15 more hours to do in the next 3 days. I can do it! I didn't want to. I wanted to just say screw it and ignore it but thats not an example I want to set to my kids.. I prayed about it this morning and knew my only option was to get up and go. And it wasn't that bad!!

I did meet husby for lunch.. but he went back to work for a few minutes but now is on his way home. Yay! We are both a little lazy and tired but both of us are both in a good mood so it will be nice having him home the rest of the day! I am pretty tired but thats ok.. I will hopefully get some sleep tonight.

Well, I am going to get some freebies and coupon posts up! Stay tuned!

Happy Tuesday!


K Jaggers