Unfortunately the weekend is over now. Tomorrow we go back to normal. I just wish weekends could be longer. I love Scott being home. Its like I just absorb him when hes around. He just makes me laugh and that is one of his best qualities.
So today was pretty normal. The guys played golf pretty early and were home most of the day. Scott and I went out shopping for a while then it was back home to make
Again.. why not take a little help from the store??
I did it the easiest way possible. I put them right on the cookie sheets.
and before long we had some yummy cookies..
Wrapped up and sent with a get well note.
The guys were kind enough to deliver them for me while I stayed home and made dinner.
I got into the wine tonight and dinner took a lot longer to make than normal. Hell, I think it was almost 9 pm for dinner was on the table. I told them that I would have it done at 730 but I just missed the deadline. Too much wine.. no food in my belly.. made dinner really hard to cook. I don't drink often.. becuase it doesn't take much for me to really feel it.
( Review on the wine coming tomorrow )
But I did make it happen!!
The food sobered me up a lot which helped!
( What's on the menu post for this dinner coming up tomorrow ) .
Also earlier today,
husby was in the kitchen making his special guacamole dip. And guess what? I will be posting it tomorrow for you guys! Yep.. husby is cooking for us all! I love it when he is in the kitchen. He don't mind the pictures either. He knows what they are for! But excited to be showing you that recipe tomorrow.
In fact there are lots of post coming up tomorrow!! So be sure to check back often! I worked on a lot of them today so they won't take long to finish and get up. I don't have any errands to run tomorrow , which is super nice. I hope most of you guys have got the emails I worked hard on tonight. I still find it hard to believe that I could easily spend 2 hours a day in email work. I tend to let them pile up a little before answering them which only makes it harder. Emails that came in today will get answered tomorrow some time. One thing I love is hearing from you guys about the new book I am reading. How cool it is to have others out there reading the same thing at the same time.. wanting to talk about it!? I love it... If more of you start emailing me about it... make a monthly book club would be nice with maybe video chat at the end of each book. Just an idea! Just to update some of you great readers out there.. I am 81 which is chapter 4. Last night I read about how Prince Phillip was upset that Queen Elizabeth wouldn't give the kids his last name. But they figured out a solution. I don't want to say in case you are reading it too. After I am finished with this post, I hope to read at least another chapter. I just don't get the time I want to sit around and read. Maybe I will take a few hours this week to just turn every thing off, warm up a cup of tea and cozy up to read. I love biography's and its even better when its about the Royals! Keep those book emails flowing in.. If you are new and don't know what I am talking about you can click HERE to see what I am reading. If you want to read along you can find some great used copy's on amazon.com . Right now there is no time limit on this book. I am reading when I can and will finish the book whenever. I hope within a couple weeks I am done. So get it.. and start reading! You can always email me with your progress and I may just wait on you to finish it so I can include you in the discussion of the book! Just so you know... I don't read romances too often.. I like spiritual books and biographies. I also like history books too. And cookbooks. I don't really like non fiction a bunch but sometimes I am surprised at how good a book is.Such as the Thee Da Vinci Code.. I think we all forget how nice it is to actually sit in the quiet room and read a good book. It can be life changing with the right book.
Well its after 3 am and I do want to read for a little bit. So taking my ambien and reading till I fall asleep.
Hope you have a great Monday.
K Jaggers
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