Its 230 am here and I am in bed.. just not sleeping! Gosh.. this day has seemed to last forever yet at the same time it feels like it has gone by fast. Is that weird? We got such a late start today and then I stayed out FOREVER shopping and running errands.. then back home and the rest of the night has been a hodge podge of things going on.
Husby had a terrible headache and it sure made him moody and a little mean. He was pretty much flipping out because of how bad it was hurting. He's not use to a migraine as I am. I'm not use to it but I sure know what it feels like and now I am better at dealing with them. Once it gets to a certain point, I just go to the ER. I offered to take him but he wouldn't go. Crushed up a pain pill, put it in a cup of hot water and drank it. I don't ever do that.. and he said it was awful. A little while later, he was eating ice cream so I guess it helped. Then I gave him a little more medicine to help while he sleeps. He has a long day tomorrow. He will work from 8am to 8 pm - 12 hour day and will have an hour of drive time. 30 minutes each I hope he feels better tomorrow. I put up his shit for a while since he wasn't feeling good but eventually I had enough... and thankfully as the meds worked his attitude changed.
Our friend got back from his trip safely. I thought he looked exhausted. It was a 7 hour ride for him just one way. When I looked at him I thought he was drunk. I was ready to kill him for drinking and driving but after a couple seconds with him I quickly saw he was just tired... and a bit hung over I think! He works the same hours tomorrow so I guess he needs to be sleeping really good too!
For me tomorrow is a day of cleaning the house. I didn't get much done tonight. I only cooked a

big pot of pasta and nothing else. Super simple but super good. And we have p-l-e-n-t-y- of left overs for another night this week. Isn't pasta always better the next day?? I sure think so.. give those flavors a chance to mix together and its just so much better!
One of the things I picked up at the store today was
A package of Salon Perfect brow stencils and brow powder. Yes, I know that I just got a new ELF eyebrow kit [ you can see the video haul HERE ] but I like this shade and I wanted some new stencils. I know I don't talk much about these but I will do a more in depth post in the coming days. I actually found a few other brow products today and will share them later with you. I really like stencils because it gets 2 identical brows and that's not always an easy thing to do. I use them at least 1/2 the time. I just love the convenience of them.. and they always make your brows look amazing! I think this kit was just about $5.00 and it works great. I have had the same one for over a couple years now. So I thought it would be a great time to get another set! I pretty much only use two of the stencils from the kit but sometimes its fun to try the others! Do any of you guys use brow stencils? I would love to know if you do.. just shoot me an email at and let me know! If not, I encourage you to get some and try them out. You will be amazed at how well they make your brows look.. and I find its easy outline them and tweeze where needed. It gives you a great guide to do keeping your brows nicely groomed. I tend to use a little wax from the ELF brow kit.. its colored..with the stencil and then I just fill in with powder without the stencil. I love the way they work!!
I also have a ton of reviews coming up. I try to give myself a couple weeks with a product but sometimes it only takes one or two times with something to know exactly how you feel about it. Stay tuned for lots of beauty post coming up!
Now from beauty to kittys!
Check out my cat grass!!!!!!!!!
I always feel so accomplished when I see something growing. I love it..
The cats are already trying to eat it but I want it to grow a little more before giving it to them. Its high on a counter so hopefully they will leave it alone. It was on the kitchen table for sunlight and I had to keep shooing them down because they wanted it!! This sure got me thinking of spring and gardening. We have had a garden many many times but none here in the Carolina's. The dirt is red here and I just don't think the yard is in any kind of shape to garden in. It needs a lot of work as it is. So I am thinking about a container type garden on the back deck. I think it will work just fine. I know I will be limited and it will cost more for the containers and potting medium. I bet if I find the right containers I could even grow carrots and potatoes. Just starting to think about it but pretty sure its happening. I need fresh herbs and they will for sure do just fine growing out on the back porch!
Well I need to get to bed. I am staying home for the most part but I do have to run to the post office. Brittany Belle wanted a few things so I went shopping for her today and need to get it to the post office asap. But besides that one errand and maybe a quick run to the dollar store, I will be home tomorrow cleaning this house up. Lots to do so time for sleep!
Have a great Monday
K Jaggers
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