Wow.. Can you believe Friday is already here!? This week went so fast for me.
Time for Fill in the ________________!!!!
1. My favorite place I have ever traveled to is
Wow.. I would have to say every place that I have been to is a favorite of mine. I love traveling.. and I have enjoyed something about every place we have been!
2. Italy is some place I would love to go to one day.
3. I pass time on a plane ( on a train, car or bus )
In the car, I sleep.. Plane and trains I play on my phone, talk to who I am with, read.. just anything to pass the time!
4.My three must haves when I travel are
Laptop, Phone, and make up!
5.My favorite travel companion is
I have a bunch of favorites! My husband Scott, my children, my mom
and sister, the older kids.. Normally I have a blast with who ever is with me.. But my absolute favorite is husby!
6.The craziest thing that ever happened to me when I was traveling is
I once had my purse stolen on my first trip Mexico. I had it hanging on the back of my chair, and when we got up to leave and it was gone. No saw it got taken and to this day I don't know what happened to it. There were some mean military guys who I went up to them and told and they didn't do anything to help me. Thankfully, I had my credit card, license, and room key in my back pocket.. otherwise I don't know if I would have gotten back on the boat or not. I did loose a diamond necklace in that purse though.
7. The most exotic food I ever tried while traveling
Even when I am in other countries, I stick to food that I know and that I am ok with eating. I don't eat a lot of exotic foods. No thank you. Maybe some exotic fruit or something but nothing meat wise.. I did try a Buffalo burger one time though. ( But that's not too exotic! )
8. If I could live anywhere else I would live in
I can't just pick one place. Here in the US I would say either Florida or Hawaii. I know Hawaii would be next to impossible for family to visit with the long flights so I guess Florida would be better. I want some where warm, tropical, bright, and friendly.
9.My best travel memory is
My vacations with a child, are really some of my happiest memory's are splashing around hotel pools with my brother. He is gone, and has been for a while now. and those memories are really close to my heart. I traveled a lot when I was little.
10. I have been to 16 states in the us.
K Jaggers
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