Christmas 2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sorry for the delay with these pictures. I was pretty busy on Christmas and the days following so I didn't take as many pictures as I normally do.. but here are the ones I did get!

Table all set..

Eggnog and rum out

A very pregnant Courtney

Laci helping out with the snacks

Used bar stools at the corners for more room.

Almost time to eat!

Here is our family!

Dinner was amazing

Michael and Courtney

Laci and Mizuki

mom and Don

husby and me!

Laci again

After dinner it was

gift time.

Lots and Lots of Gifts..

They were all stretched around the living room and

husby played Santa

It took a while!

but he got it done!

Where is Laci!!??

Michael and Courtney opening gifts!

Big box from Micahel to Scott.

Mizuki all happy!

Love this picture!

Laci having fun checking everything out!

Husby on break!

Woooo- all the gift opening made us all tired!

But we got up and went and played


We all had a great time.

made a lot of great memories that night. I wish ALL the kids could have been here but we are so spread out.. But we are happy because we know summer is right around the corner. So we are just hanging in there and then our house will be busy again!

And what was even nicer was waking up with

husby the next morning. Its weird.. I don't like sleeping with him at night but I love waking up with him in the morning. Strange huh!?

We had a great Christmas with our family. I think everyone had a good time. Sorry I didn't get pictures of all the food but I just was not taking pictures... really I forgot most of the time. I think my mom took some too so if she does post them on facebook.. I will get them up on here to show you!

Hope you had a great time with your family over Christmas 2011. Its crazy how fast the big anticipated holiday passes. Just in one night.. its over.

Now time to get on with the


New Year!!

We were all talking and for Scott and I we had a pretty good 2011. We had one serious blow up fight.. that we got through thank goodness but nothing too bad happened and we seemed to have a pretty happy year and I think we owe that to each other, our family and God. We are blessed.. that's for sure.


K Jaggers
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