Well, I got about 4 1/2 hours sleep so I am feeling a bit better. The weather outside is cold, really rainy and all I keep thinking about is that beautiful Florida weather. I just talked to Scott and he seems really tired and really grumpy. Can't say I blame him.. I got a nap and I still feel grumpy..
Ok.. on to news about Mr. Jaggers.. The first day, the were saying stuff like, if he makes it through the night. The next day was, if we get the infection under control, Then it was, if we can get him to eat.. I mean no one knows how or why he just started doing better. I personally don't think God is done with him yet. It was pretty bleak on day one but he just started getting better and better and better. Yesterday he was with both his sons, his wife and myself and seemed better at that moment than he did the entire time we was down there. He was even joking around the best he could.. He was asked who was the President.. his response.. Obama, Sadly! Hahaha! Its really hard to understand him.. I mean its next to impossible but we heard that. I am not really educated on Parkinson's Disease but from what I learned over the last couple of days is, it just shuts down all your muscles. He can't move.. well his toes move, his eyes move, and he can kinda move his arm a very little bit. The muscles in his throat are not working either. I think in 4 years ago he was diagnosed and now you understand where he is at. As I told you guys, I have a grandmother going through the same thing. She is more at the beginning but it scares me to death thinking she is maybe going to experience what he is. I won't even talk to her much about it. Yesterday she must have asked me 100 questions about him and I just tried talking about other stuff and try to keeping her from worrying too much. I don't think its fair that you live a full life and this is out you have to leave it. Its hard.. I know Scott is worried.. I know he loves his dad.. he has already lost his mom a couple years ago and he is not wanting anything to happen to his dad. But he also doesn't want him to suffer either. At this point, his father is on comfort measures only. When it becomes really clear that the end is near, he will go home and with the help of Hospice he will pass away among his wife, dog and possessions. I think that's the right decision too. I keep thinking that hopefully when its my time, I will die with my grand children and children surrounding me and a kitten in my bed. I think we will get through the holidays and then be back down there after the first of the year. I appreciate all the emails and prayers. I truly believe that is why he is doing better. I wish I could have read them to him but he has no idea what a blog is or why people from the " big bad Internet " would be praying for him.. It was just too much to explain. But I read them, I read them to Scott too.. and we thank you from the bottoms of our hearts for lifting him up in your prayers. I will be sure to keep you guys updated on how he is doing.
I also got a ton of calls and emails on the kittens. They are still just flowing in. I sure miss everyone of those kittens and I hope they are happy and doing well. I have checked in on most of them and the only one I want to really check on at this point it Ferdinand/Oggy. I know he is living it up and his new owners have a house made for cats.. Big scratching post every where, and they are dedicated cat owners. I know it was the purrr-fect fit for him!
I have a ton of pictures and videos from Florida to get posted, as well at pictures of the kittens that they keep sending me! I will for sure get those up asap! I know I am behind on a lot of post. I might get a few back post up on here but from the most part, I am starting here. I will probably get a married life post up tomorrow too. I am also going to be working more on the holiday gifts too.. Just stay tuned.. Over the next few days, I will be posting a ton of stuff.
But right now.. its time for a
Talk to you guys in a bit..
K Jaggers
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