Sunday Greetings!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hello everyone!!

Hope everyone is having a great Sunday afternoon. Things are pretty lazy around here. Scott ran a couple errands for me and now we are just laid up in the living room. He is watching some show on National Geographic about Witch Doctors. - Sigh - The things he finds to watch. Guess I shouldn't complain, its better than football!!

Its really gloomy here. Its over cast, the sun is hidden and it looks like rain. At least we are in for the rest of the day! I didn't even craw out of bed till after 1pm. Guess that's what I get for going to bed so late. I did get the weekend notes posted.. Please be sure to go get a news paper today!!! Tons and Tons of coupons in it. Click HERE for the full post. Also you can get to it by clicking the link at the ↑ of the blog. It has a lot of information that should be useful to all you guys!

Since last night I didn't get much posted besides the WEEKEND NOTES. So here are a few pictures from my day and night!

Yesterday I really needed to get this place cleaned up some and look at how just kept making it harder on me!!??

Omg.. I could just kicked their little butts!! They love it when I am sweeping the floor.. I mean, LOVE IT!! As you can see Swagger was all in the dirt rolling around!! I finally got him picked up and dusted off, then locked in the study for a hour or so I could finish up!

I put a new head on my Libman Mop and got busy!


I don't know how many of you guys use this mop but its amazing!

Maybe I should write a review on it soon!

I stayed busy around the house for a couple hours and by then Scott got home. We laid around, drank some wine, and just spent time together.

We both snacked for the evening but around 9pm we both realized we were both starving so I got busy on a late night dinner..

I cooked up

a couple chicken breast I had in the freezer.. Busted out some pasta and a few let over veggies I had..

Also got out some heavy cream..

and got busy making some Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo

Added the cream and got it thickened up with a little flour..

Added some fresh

Parmesan and

dinner was served..

Does this not look good!?

You guys know I am a pasta girl and this meal just was amazing!

Super Super Super good!

However, what I thought the best part of dinner was..

is this big glass of cold milk. I don't know what I have been drinking so much milk for lately but I had 2 glasses last night and it tasted so good!

Then late last night the kittys got a snack too!

As you can see, Willow is walking away. I don't know how.. but she is the healthiest cat in the house and she barley eats anything!


Gabby and the kittens finished it up! I will explain later what their snack was. Its basically a mixture of baby cereal, milk, and egg yolks.

Anyway after all that I worked on late on the notes and enjoyed a long hot bath. I had a headache but I think it came from looking at the computer screen for too long!

So today this is my inspiration..

We all have to remember to be grateful for who we have in our lives and what we have in our lives. As I have said many many times I am a very blessed girl. I have the love of my life and I have a beautiful family. What more could anyone else want!

Enjoy your Sunday!!

K Jaggers

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