Monday, November 14, 2011
I know I am doing a lot of Salma Hayek Reviews this past week and this week [ you can get to them all by clicking the label Salma Hayek or Nusance on the right side ] but tonight I want to do this review for all the guys.. And some women!!

A month or so ago, I dropped Scott's electric razor and it broke to pieces. I have yet to get him another one so he is just using regular razors. He has been complaining of razor bumps and asked if I could find him some kind shaving gel that would help.

After I wondered the isles I came home with this.

Aveeno Therapeutic Shave Gel

Sold at all drug stores for around $10.00.

This product claims its for:

For Sensitive Skin

Irritated Skin

Razor Bumps

No Added Fragrance

Dermatologist Recommended


What makes it different is the fact that it contains natural oatmeal and infused with other lubricants to give you a close, bump-free shave.

From what I have read Aveeno products use natural ingredients which have been formulated so that you do not know their presence in the product. The oatmeal is so fine that you don't even know its in there. Lavender is also put into the product and you can't really smell it. Also the packaging of the products is designed to reflect how natural the product is. I am sure you all notice that from the pictures above!

When you put it on your skin.. 

its pretty much a gel like texture and then when you rub it in a bit it

lathers right up.

I asked Scott a few times about how he feels about this product and he said the first time he used it, it felt a little weird to him. He was not use to the consistency of it.. but husby does not regularly shave with cream. 

But since the first time, he has continued to use it and really like it. His face looks clear and not irritated at all. I have since tried it too when shaving my legs and I got a really close shave without any problems.

So, I know this is a little pricey for a drugstore shaving cream but I think its well worth it if the man in your life has sensitive skin.

  And another thing about what's great is the fact that men and women can use it, no matter where they are shaving.

Btw - the product also states to only shave every other day and use a razors specially made to fight ingrown hair. I don't know about you.. but I don't go a day with out shaving and neither does Scott! But even with daily use this works great!

So check this out the next time you are shopping!! I think you will like it!!

K Jaggers
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