I don't have any big plans today. Right now I am in sweats hanging out watching tv pondering what needs to be done around here. I cleaned up the house a lot last night and I still have some laundry to do and I should clean the upstairs today too. But who knows if I will get to all of it today. I have a lot of time to work tomorrow being its a late night for Scott. So I might end up putting a few things off till tomorrow!
I also got a few more of the fall decorations up yesterday and that is one thing I do plan on doing today too. Like I said.. pictures will come later!
Well my mom made it safe and sound to Scotland! I am so relieved about that. I do worry about her when he is on such a long flight. It sure makes me feel better than Don is with her. But she is touched down and I will probably share some of her pictures from her trip on here with you guys once she gets them up on facebook. I already googled the hotel and its amazing. Again.. pictures will come later today or tonight. Its a blessing for her to be able to travel around the world and see it. I mean .. how many of us will never leave the US in our lifetime. Thats not me.. but there are many people out there who wont have the chance to see the world.. and I am super happy that she is not one of them! There is so much history that is not a part of the United States that we all should know. History wise.. our beautiful country doesn't have a lot of history.. So glad mom is out there making all kinds of great new memories!!
Well going to get a few things done around here.
Hope you guys are having a beautiful fall weekend!
K Jaggers
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