Monday, September 19, 2011

This post will not be too long. I am totally exhausted.. We are totally out of the old house and into the new.. Well last night we were into the new house but we still had stuff in the other house too.

Here is how we were watching tv the past couple nights but thankfully tonight all the tvs are hooked up and in the right rooms.. That little flat screen is in the kitchen now and a much much bigger one is in the bedroom.

Today was a crazy day. I mean I think today was the hardest day of all. I woke up this morning earlier than what I wanted.. about 830 .. only because Scott basically pulled me out of the bed.. but he had coffee waiting.. thankfully! We took off to get some breakfast and then

we teamed up with Michael and off we went.. I have to say.. Michael is awesome.. What a friend he is.. I mean.. he volunteered for hell day # 3. OMG.. I was so thankful for his help.. Scott was too.

Between the 3 of us, we got the house

all emptied and cleaned up..


I thought by the time we finished tonight.. it looked almost as good as it did when we moved in.

I mean it was a lot of work..

But as you can see we got it done! Scott is great about getting us moved. I mean this has been the hardest move we have ever made for a lot of reasons.. Timing, money, moving stuff.. I mean the list could go on and on but one thing is for sure.. WE ARE OUT OF THAT HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sooooo happy with that!  I took a lot of pictures at the end just in case. I watch the Peoples Court.. and know that we should always protect ourselves!

After we got done with the house, we had to go to Home depot to get a new plug for the dryer.. The plug here had a different kind of plug..

This lady who I doubted when walking up to her..

took us right to where we needed to go.. Needless to say.. I was shocked!

We got home.. ate a little food and then Scott got started on the dryer..

and little Willow was there to help!

She was cute as can be in there watching him.

She is such a handful. Crazy Cat!

Anyway.. the house around here is insane. Boxes every where. We have the garage full with almost everything except the living room furniture, tvs and the big bed.. Everything else is waiting on me to unpack it and put it all away. I don't mind it so much because I can do it over a few days. I am going to work on clothes and the the kitchen.. Things we have to have.

I am extremely tired.. bruised up.. hurt every where but I am going to take my sleeping pills.. climb in bed next to Scott and start dreaming. I am so thankful I don't have to go any where tomorrow except the grocery store.

We were told the gas was only for the fire place but come to find out it its for the heat and for the water.. Soooo.. we have been heating water on the stove for baths. Thank God that is over tomorrow because the Gas will be hooked up.. Finally!! I can't complain.. Its a hot bath.. I am sorry about not getting the video up around the house. It got deleted some how.. But I will do a video or pictures after everything is put away or maybe a long the journey!

Anyway.. I will start going through emails when I have time but right now.. I am going to bed!!


K Jaggers

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