What a day.. I so wish I would have been more productive today than what I was. I don't know what was wrong with me but I felt so tired and depleted. I have so much to do that I couldn't really afford to take the day " off " like I did. Its too late now.. I could start doing some packing but I am going to wash all my dresses and get them hung up first. Guess I should maybe do that tonight. I am planing on using a garment bag for them too... along with Scott's suits and shirts. We want to have everything pressed and ready so we dont have to worry about it.. The challenge is going to be keeping it wrinkle free until we get in our room and get unpacked.
I am getting soooo excited!!!! I know Scott is too.. I was eating dinner tonight.. ( a meatball sub ) and I started dreaming of all the good food on the cruise I am going to eat!! Scott has no idea how good the food is! Those 12am desert bars have my name all over them!
This was about as much as I got done with the packing...Ha.. not too damn much huh? I was going to lay shirts and ties out for Scott next to the dresses but I never made it..
And of course Willow was my little helper!
Ohh.. and I told you that I would get a picture up of the dress I choose for the Captains dinner..
Here it is..
Not the best picture but.. I wanted to get it up anyway! This was baby's pick!
So I guess I need to get my butt tanning for the next couple of days! Need to darken up before I get on that boat! Scott too! So tomorrow really is going to be a day of getting things started around here. I don't care for one of my suit cases so I am borrowing one from my friend..The one that I told you who is expecting! I would say her name but I want to be sure she has told everyone first! I don't warm up to be very easy.. as the case for a lot of women and its nice to have met someone that I am watching expand her family! One of my other friends who use to date Michael is not around as much anymore. I understand why but meeting new people and making new friends is nice. I am going to get my hands on that baby! Who doesn't love a new born! I wonder what she is having!!! I dont think she will mind me keeping you guys posted..she is suppose to be over tomorrow evening so I will be sure to ask then! While I am speaking of friends.. I have 2 girl friends that I love and trust beyond measure.. Yep only 2.. but thats enough! One lives right in the middle of New Albany and one is out on the West Coast. Funny both girls are so different but when it comes to friendship they are both very similar. Both very loyal.. and both help me in all situations of my life. Thank you guys!! Your friendships mean a lot to me.. ♥
Burrr.. the air is kicking in here and I am freezing!! Ok.. now got on a sweat shirt! Much better! Well... I wonder how the kittens are doing night # 2 in their new home! I sure miss them..
I got this picture of Mylo just the night before he left. I had just got done brushing him.. and he looked liked a fancy little lion! I of course switched it over to black and white.. He really was one of my favorites. No one knows how close I was to keeping him! But I know in my ♥ he is where he belongs. And I made it very clear today that if something.. anything.. happens where she cant keep one or either of the cats.. I am only a phone call away.
Speaking of cats.. Look at Gabby..
You can see how big she is!!
and I can feel them move! I know it could happen any time now! I got to get all her stuff all together too! I just know she is going to have those kittens while I am away! I have been on the phone with my phone company to make sure my phone will work down there so hopefully I can at least call and check on her.
Well its getting late.. need to make coffee..get a note to Scott done and then get my butt in bed if I have any hopes of having a more productive day tomorrow.. and I have a ton to do!
Sweet Dreams Friends..
K Jaggers
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