Afternoon!! =))

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Afternoon friends. Hope you all are having a beautiful Thursday.. I slept in.. and it felt GREAT!!!! I rolled over.. had Super Cooper and ALL the cats laying next to me. Our animals are such a big part of our lives!

So I turn on the news and the main thing that they are talking about is the hurricane that is making its way to our shore lines. First.. I hope that you guys who are on the coast line are evacuating and or getting prepared.

Its going to move right up the coast line. We are far enough inward that I think all we will get is some rain but not a ton.. at least that's what I think..Not really sure but we are prepared if we loose power. I have candles and water stored just in case.

Infrared satellite imagery of Hurricane Irene

I don't think this is anything to mess with.. I think I heard that it will be here Saturday afternoon. I mean they are evaluating NC coastline. So its going to be serious. If you are a reader of this blog and live on the East Coast Line email me and tell me what you are doing to prepare. I might end up sharing it with everyone.  My email is and I would love to hear from you guys.

Ohh... For the reader from MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA..  I see you are on here a TON!!! Thank you for reading!! I would to chat with you.. Again..send me an email and say hi!! I have been wanting to chat with you for a while now.. Sooooo.. drop me a line and tell me a little about yourself!!
I know a blog is one sided a lot of times.. you know " All About Kisha & Family" but I have made some really good friends through this blog and I would really like to hear your lives too!

I have a lot of post coming your way in the next few days.. I am trying to make up for lost time! I should have the Gatlinburg Night → 2 ← up sometime today.. I have more coupon news.. some reviews.. some readers questions.. pet information.. etc.. So be sure to check back!!

I am loving the google voice.. if you didn't read my post about it you can click  { HERE } to see it.. When I woke up I had 1 voicemail and it was waiting for me in my text messages and email.. How awesome is that!!!??? Might want to check it out!

Well.. I have to get some things done around here!

Have a great day

K Jaggers
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