Wore out and ready for bed!!!
We had a pretty easy day today.. We stayed home for the most part.. We cleaned up around here a little...not near as much as I would have liked..and we got some laundry done but for the most part we hung out doing a bunch of nothing! We all kinda enjoyed the lazy day.. All 3 of us took naps..I fell asleep on the couch..while the kids dozed in beds..I don't know why today was so laid back. I was hoping for such a more productive day..but we enjoyed it.
The kids did get a little moody..Brittany pulled back Jackson's fingers really far and we had a big problem over it..So big that I pulled hers back..not as far, just to show her how bad it hurts..In the end both kids were crying and angry. That was about the time we went to sleep!
Then we got up and played around with Super Cooper outside.. It was so hot that when we were finished I ended up..
Putting him in the bath with cold water.. It was still filling up in this picture but he laid there in a full tub of cold water for about 25 minutes.. and it helped. Its so hot here right now, along with most of the US that we all have to be careful of keeping our pets hydrated and cool. He was panting so hard after playing that I was worried...and this really helped..Once he was out, he went right to sleep next to a air conditioner vent with no panting!
Since Scott had to work late I had to take the kids to the pool by myself until he got off work.. ~ It was late night swim .. Tues and Thur the pool is open till 10 ~ We had a really nice time but I missed him not being there with us. Its so weird to do anything without him. When hes not there, nothing seems normal. Even on bad days.. if he is with me.. its ok..In 8 years it would be a stretch to say we have maybe been apart a total of 2 weeks..Anyway.. back to swimming!!
We had a great time.. Here are a few pictures of our evening! Ohh.. and a few videos!!
Of course the first thing my son did was climb the ladder of the high dive..
And in he goes!
He looks so small to the rest of them!
Brittany Belle hanging out..
There he goes again!
Watching him is always so fun!
He's such a good swimmer!
I wish the kids wouldn't wear goggles..I never wore them and wish they would just try to open their eyes under water!
She is slowly getting better!
Scott showed up right around 8:30! Was sooo happy to see him!
Then someone got sick in the shallow end and we all had to clear the pool for about 30 minutes.. So we had to sit out while they..
Cleaned the pool.. No fun!!!
But I did get a great picture of my kids and my husband!
Double trouble..
I got some great video too..
In this video you will see Scott doing a flip and Jackson bobbing around by the ladder then you will see Scott do another flip .. then Jackson going off the high dive..
I love that Scott can do all those flips! I could NEVER do that!! And Jackson is just freaking adorable going off the high dive!
Then in the next video you will see that husband of mine doing a back flip!!
Gotta love that man! There is very little that he can do sports wise! I really think he should have been on a dive team! Love watching him!
We swam till it closed and then we were home to enjoy a big
Pasta dinner. I made it before we left for the pool so we could come home and eat right away.. and it worked out great!! Scott would have preferred something different.. but I had to figure out something fast and easy to make before heading to the pool that would still be good when we got home.. soooooo...pasta it was!!!
Now its 211 am and I am wore out and heading to bed in just a few minutes. I hope you guys had a great night.. We will be taking some pictures of the kids and kittens tomorrow but we also have a bunch of shopping to do. So it should be a long day!
K Jaggers
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