Sleepy..Grumpy..and today was not near as productive as I would have wished it would be. It was a very busy afternoon, evening and night. Its 135 am and I am finished with as much as I can do and finally getting some time to myself.
Lets see.. my day....
First we got up and started the day rather slow... Had I known how today was actually going to be I would have started later. We had to go by the dealership...see Scott for a few minutes.. Brittany got a tour of the dealership and got introduced to everyone.. then we had to get gas.. saw a friend there and chatted for another few minutes...We ran to Walmart, where I picked up a few things then wondered the toy isle for what seems like hours so the kids could find toys.. Then we head back to the dealership...forgot to give something to Scott.. and then we were off to lunch. We had to turn around in the opposite direction and go even further to get to that restaurant..We get our food to go.. come home..eat..and then the kids got a couple of hours to watch tv.. This is the time I should have cleaned up the house but I took on a bigger job..
Shaved Cooper. He had never been shaved before..I was kinda worried about him being out in the heat in a fur coat so..I got busy..I did it in the living room...and it was a much bigger job than I anticipated..and it was a harder job that what I thought it would be. I did it for one hour..took a break..and then started again. It took over 2 1/2 hours and I am still not finished.. He looks really weird! Smaller!! But I know he feels better without all that fir on him. It will only take a couple of weeks to really look better. I have shaved all my Golden's in the summer but it had been a while since I had done it. Should have left it a little longer..I used a 2 and I think I should have used a 4.. By Christmas he will be back to hairy cooper! It will also help to keep down the shedding..
Time went by..and before I knew it Scott was home and we had to head out again.. We had to pick up a motorcycle an hr away.. From another salesman who owned but was too scared to ride it.. To be very honest.. I was tired and just didn't want to make the trip.. I was pretty grumpy.. We even detoured to his boss's house to feed their dogs because they were on vacation. Its not a huge deal but just something else I didn't want to do. We made it there and I quickly dropped Scott off and headed back on that long drive home.
We got home within 5 minutes of each other and we were back in the car to head to a friends house we had made plans with earlier. We were both pretty tired..But out we went.. We stayed about an hr and we headed home.. Scott wanted to stop back and let the dogs out again.. so we did that.. and by this time it was 1030..We went to Mc Donalds which took about 30 minutes...I should mention getting to our friends house is a good 15 minutes and then to get to the Mcdonalds was about 25 minutes. So lots of time in the car..=/ On the way home from Mcdonalds we were on a country 2 lane road and saw this guy in the ditch.. Just laying there. We could see him really well with the head lights. We stopped instantly.. its not a busy road at all. At first I stayed in the car and Scott walked up to them..From what I could see it was a motorcycle but instead it turned out to be a mo'ped..It was a young Asian American guy in his early 20's with a snake tattoo on his neck. He was hammered..He said he hit a cat.. but no sign of the cat. He fell down 4 or 5 times just trying to get up. I have no idea how long he was there... I don't think he knows..He wasn't bleeding or anything but we called 911 because he kept falling. At first we thought he might be really hurt but once he realized we called them he took off.. He finally stumbled up on the mo'ped and he was gone into the night. I hope he got home ok and didn't hurt himself or anyone else on the way. That took every bit of 30 minutes too. I told Scott.. something didn't want us home.
I am totally exhausted.. We came in.. ate... got the kids showers.. got the house picked up.. tossed laundry around.. Then Scott was in the shower.. finally I got in a bubble bath about an hr ago and here I am posting this late.. I took a few breaks and now its 241 am.. Brittany just fell to sleep too.. She was wired..Jackson went to bed late but not near as late as her.
Tomorrow is here.. I am already behind.. I need to get in bed in the next 30 minutes..We are clearly sleeping in.. Scott is planning on playing golf with Jackson and Brittany and I will get a little more shopping done in the evening. I sure need the rest.. and so does everyone else in the house. Golf will be good for Scott tomorrow. I think getting out will do him some good and Jackson will love going with him. And Brittany and I will have some fun together too!
I got to get some sleep..
K Jaggers
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