=) Happy Friday!! =)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Hope you guys are all having a great day! Its Friday and for many of you... that means the end of a work week! Wish it was that way here. Husby works on Saturday so its not the end of his work week but tomorrow will be his last day! I don't know what we are doing today.. Have no clue!!

Right this minute I am feeling pretty good. I slept good last night and I hope that I get some stuff done around the house. As many of you know.. my car is at the dealership and getting some things done to it. The only things I really know is that it was a fuel injector problem and we are also getting the oil changed...new plugs.. you know a tune up! That dang car is hands down the BEST car I have ever owned. So we want to get it tuned up before winter and get the flutter out of it. Scott wasn't too happy that I had mail piled up in floorboard and the kids had some of their junk in the back seat. I had to explain to him that some days I barley have time to get a shower let alone clean out the car. So he helped with that too!

So Gabby has been having some real problems with the kids. Can't say I blame her.. They scare her all the time. They chase her, pack her around, pack her babies around.. and she is fed up. She actually tried attacking Brittany just a few minutes ago. Brittany was trying to pet her and she leaped right at her and hissed.. Ha! Thank goodness she is only a small Persian cat and not one of those pit bulls! ( I don't want emails about me hating those dogs...Its not a secret that I think they all should be banned and done away with.. ) Anyway...if Jackson walks by she really hisses at him. They have just scared her so bad that she wants nothing to do with them and I don't see that changing!

Well.. I want to clean up and get some things done.. I will be back later with some other post!!

Have a great afternoon!

K Jaggers
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