Changing Night

Friday, July 29, 2011

Hello friends..

First off.. I guess I don't need to tell you that I changed this blog up again.. I don't really know why but its kinda like when you just want to rearrange furniture. I just wanted to switch it up.. Hope you like the new layout. Its pretty much the same except the background and the our pictures at the top. I'll probably change it again in the fall and or winter. Its pretty easy to do if you have a simple layout. It didn't take me anytime to get it changed!

A few days ago I also disabled the comments on here. Sorry that I had to do that.. it wasn't a decision I made lightly. I don't post many of the comments anyway.. A lot of times what I am saying does not require a comment. However..I didn't really want to do this but I just thought it would stop the mean comments.. it would help with spam.. and it would just make things easier. Soooo.. if you want to leave me a comment, ask me a question.. or have anything to say please feel free to email me at

I get more comments and questions in emails anyway! You can always find my email in the side bar too. Since I have done this.. I still have some features on the blog that do require comments and I will get those off and if I have a contest or something, I will open the comments back up or require you send me an email to enter.And you can send me an email letting me know what you think of the new background!  Scott and I talked about it tonight and we both agree that when you are writing a public blog you open yourself up to the crazy's of the world. So I am betting this solves the problems...I don't really mind anyone having an opinion but when its mean and hateful it really gets to me and I don't have as thick of skin as I would like to have. I also tend to reply and it just makes me look just as bad.. but its hard to keep quite when someone is attacking my family and hiding while they do it.

Ohhh.. another way to solve that problem is leave me a comment on my

or with

I would say twitter might be the fastest but facebook would really be just as fast too!
Scott got off work early tonight and took the kids to the pool for me. I was so thankful for the time alone. I really was tired again today. Husby is worried about me being exhausted all the time. I don't know what is going on but its hard to keep up with the kids, the house, the pets, Scott, everything.. Maybe 2 days a week I feel good. I really should be in bed right now.. It just turned 1 am... I will be in there within 30 minutes. The kids are staying an extra week.. which gives us 3 days before the next set of company comes to visit. Time is flying by. I have to get my community service done really soon too. Thinking about going ahead and starting it..I can do it all different hours and Scott will stay home with the kids in the evening if I want to go ahead and do it. I just want it done so I can check it off the list.

My car is still at the dealership..=( I don't know why it takes them so long but it does. I guess they had a lot to do to it. And I know my car is not the only car they are working on. Scott swears by tomorrow it will be done. But I bet they keep it all day.. So we will be stuck home again. The kids won't like that one bit. Can't say I blame them.. I am starting to get tired of it too! Since the kids are staying an extra week they will only be at home 1 day before School starts. So I am going to have to get them back on some kind of regular sleep pattern for them. Neither of them liked it but tonight at midnight tvs were off.. And tomorrow.. it will be 11:30 and so on until they are down to 9 am.. I might actually take them home that Friday to give them an extra day.. and to give us an extra day to get ready for Laura and her family.

Tomorrow I hope to get some emails sent out. I haven't sent even 1 email in the past couple of days. I just either haven't had the time or the want to do it. Sorry..I even email with the kids teachers and school.. Brittany's teacher even sent me an email a few days ago asking how their summer was going. I thought it was really sweet. I got it on my phone first of course and I have yet replied..I will for sure get that email out tomorrow! I love it that even though I am not there every day in school, that I am not in the dark with what is going on with them. I have to get their new teachers emails and get one out to them right at the beginning of school. I hope to even be emailing their teachers in high school!

Tomorrow I also need to get the house picked up a bit. Its in pretty good shape. I have a few things that I need to do but laundry is caught up and the kitchen is pretty clean. But I am sure that Jackson will leave a few of his own messes around here after he gets up. Hope you guys have a great Friday!  

Well I need to make coffee and get Jackson's breakfast ready!

Sweet Dreams

K Jaggers
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