
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Afternoon friends..

This post cant be very long being how late it is in the afternoon. I slept in till about 145 pm and only woke up because of Scott calling. What happened was.. around 5 am this morning the kittens were winning and crying and sweet little Gabby was sound asleep.. So I stumbled out to the kitchen and made some kitty cereal.. and got them fed.. let them play for around 15 minutes and then they were ready to go back in their little box and sleep.. But that sure didn't help with the schedule!

I am pretty sure I am staying home today.. Starting to pack and get things ready for the trip. Being we are going to be there longer.. we have to pack more. So lots to do today. I am going to try to get as much done as I can.. Scott wont be home till around 8 tonight so I should have plenty of time.

Also today when I am taking breaks I will be getting lots of post up on Kisha's House of Persians . I will let you guys each time I put up a new post.. My goal is to get that site all updated before taking off to Texas. Like I said.. a few pictures might be repeated but there is a lot of new ones coming up too! I cant help but to repeat some of the pictures. You guys have been loyal readers for a few years now and I don't want to leave you out! I know you can just click to get to the other site but when I have something special or have a picture of those little kittens..the first place I want to post them is on here!

I have got to try to get up the next couple of days at a reasonable hour. Otherwise my mind and body is going through hell while in Texas. I will have to get up early to spend the days with the kids and mom. However we work really well together with the kids. She is great for morning shift and I do well on night shift! And for the afternoon shift...we both do it! So I am sure it will all balance out!

Well lots to do... but I think I am going to start by getting dressed..Just some sweats and a tee shirt.. BTW....its hot here but inside our house its like -0.. Its freezing in here! This house heats up so fast in the evening that we have to suffer in the early hours to a cold house.. It sucks!

Gotta go!

K Jaggers
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