Just getting into bed! I am only blogging because I am waiting to toss laundry around...otherwise I would still be in bed. I worked hard all day around the house and I am wore out! But again...its so worth it. Clean decluttered house feels great!
Scott worked late tonight..beyond 8 pm.. He didn't roll in till about 845 and I was none too happy about it then one of the salesmen was blowing up his phone..I think business needs to happen during business hours..not when he is at home with his family..Seems to me that I have to let a few of these guys know that. Especially on late nights. We ended up spending a few hours together but I would have rather had more time with him. But he felt it so he hung out a bit later. He is suppose to have tomorrow off but he's going in for a bit.. Then he should be home the rest of the day. He's trying to get me to go out golfing with him.. Don't really think I am going to be doing that. But we'll see.
I know a couple days ago I said I was going to have an announcement about the current ~ GIVEAWAY ~ but after thinking about it I decided to not change anything. I hate that more of you have not entered but I am happy for the ones who have and I hope to get more entries and if not, it wont matter! I was going to close it and pick a winner but I really want you ladies to try out the ELF shadows!!!! They really are great for the price! I am going to be doing a lot of up coming looks with the collections so maybe you guys can see different ways to use them!!! So stay posted!
I took that purple off my nails. I just couldn't do it any longer. Right now there is nothing on my nails but tomorrow sometime I will hopefully get some paint on them. I am just wanted something lighter. I don't usually have dark nails.. So I feel much better now! Glad I got that ~ POST ~ done today showing you guys the purple before it was too late! I was going to wait till Friday but I just didn't like it very much. The color was pretty but just too dark for me..and yes.. I picked it out! It looked a little different on that it did in the bottle. ( Don't most nail polishes?)
Today is my moms doggies birthday!!
Of course she had to dress him up
for his special day!
LMAO!!!!!! Mom is as crazy about this dog as I am with the cats. So how do they celebrate his birthday???????????
They take him to Hooters for dinner!!!! I kid you not! Then it was to Petsmart to get him a new bone and I think they finished off the night by taking him to Dairy Queen to get his ice cream treat!
Can you say SPOILED!!!?? I do think the above picture is so cute! I bet my mom and Don looked like crazy asses with that dog all dressed up prancing around town!!!
Really cute Mom!!!
Tomorrow I need to go grocery shopping.. I haven't made a list and I might not..Sometimes I just wing it and hope that I remember everything. I am probably going to go to Walmart. With the growing prices of groceries its one of the best places to go. I really do save $ there. We spend some where around $ 100-150 per week in grocery's so I like to save when I can!
My daughter was asking me some pretty big girl questions tonight..I am not going to say what they were but it just makes me realize how big she is actually getting. In the beginning she was scared to ask me the questions so she texted me the questions. I was OK answering that way but then I realized there should be nothing that she can't talk to me about. So I called..and the conversation lasted a long while. I certainly don't appreciate her little friends giving her information but that's what is going on. I worry that young girls are getting messed information from each other and I think that's a huge problem. Brittany had all kinds of concerns and all of them were from conversations with her friends. I honestly don't know how to answer these questions. I have explained the best I can but I think I am going to ask my mom to help out with this situation..maybe some books..I don't know. I want her to grow up and get older but there is no doubt that it scares me to death. We talked tonight about her and Jackson flying to Texas alone..
She said..
" Don't worry mom..I am going all around the world and you wont always be able to go with me. Paris and California are where I am going first. "
My heart skipped a beat. I don't know what to think..I want her to live a vivid life and see all she can take it...but I want her beside me more. That's going to be my issue..I just cant believe she is growing up. Her thoughts are so intriguing to me.
Those kids are truly the best thing I have ever done..They make me proud...
On that note.. I am closing my eyes..
Sweet Dreams..
K Jaggers
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