☼ Hot ☼ Day!!! ☼

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Well what ever plans we did had got cancelled!!

Its just wayyy to hot outside.. I didn't even realize but when I ran out to the grocery store I about passed out from the heat. Believe it or not is only 86 here but it feels like 90. In the sun it was really warm. I love warm weather but today I was not prepared for it. Actually I think we might be in for some severe thunderstorms coming our way..That's good..The rain should help cool it down a bit!

Scott went and ran a couple errands that we needed done and I ran to the grocery store. I was really hungry and shopping was no fun! So I hurried around there and came home.. So today Scott and I are vegging out in the air conditioning and relaxing. He's pretty tired and I am not feeling so good today so I think staying in doors is a great plan!

Ohh.. and Super Cooper is enjoying a day inside with the air conditioning. I want to take a minute to say.. If you have pets who are outside in the heat please make sure they have plenty of cold water and a place to go in the shade. Clearly long haired dogs like Super Cooper are very heat sensitive. Its literally being out in the heat with a fur coat.. Imagine doing that yourself.. I don't always like a big dog in the house in the summer but I would much rather do that than have something to happen to him. Same goes for cats.

So I guess I will get some blogging done today!!

Stay posted!!

K Jaggers
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