Happy Tuesday Friends!
I am thankful to wake up with electricity...Its actually a really beautiful day here today but last night it wasn't so pretty. Around midnight.. a big storm moved in and brought in some big lightening, thunder, and rain. I tired to get pictures of the rain but with no porch light you could barley see anything.. even with the flash..
This was in our back yard. Shortly after a big lightening show the tornado sirens went off. I went back to the bedroom to wake up Scott and he was sleeping through it all! He told me to grab his wallet and keys and put them some where safe and that was it. He was sleeping like a baby..
I on the other hand I was starting to loose my patience with no electricity.
I lit some candles and decided that..
I would use some of the down time to work on the family calender. Lots coming up and the only way to keep everything straight is to write it all down. However that didn't take too long.. so then I started...
Playing with sweet Gabby
and broke out a magazine to read by candle light..
I also painted my nails and kept hoping the electric would come back on..
So as my patience went away.. I finally decided enough was enough...
So I grabbed the laptop, changed the power settings and watched a movie till I fell asleep.
When I woke up....we had power!!!!!!!!!!
Its crazy how we all depend on electric the way we do. I honestly think I could live without it...if I was prepared to live that way. But honestly...I'm not a fan!
Looking outside you would never have guessed that we had bad storms last night. Its such a pretty day!
I have a little shopping I plan on doing in just a bit. Another run to the grocery store to find something for dinner. I should have got more yesterday but I was just not feeling that good. So that's really the only thing I am going out to do today.
I want to stick around Gabby. She is meowing A LOT and not eating as much! I am just hoping I can get her to the VET on Friday before she gives birth! I tried calling to get in sooner but they are packed full. I could do an after hours appointment but as you can probably imagine...that's pretty costly. So fingers crossed that she gets there before giving birth! I think she is getting pretty close. She is acting different. But I could be wrong.. But I am thinking..Kittens are coming soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My main concern is that Gabby and the kittens are all healthy and we have no problems. I think she is going to be a great mommy! I am actually pretty nervous that she might go into labor any minute. She is laying in a weird way as I type this. Maybe she is just uncomfortable.. Who knows!
Well I am off to get cleaned up and find something for dinner!
Hope you all have a great day!
Talk to you guys in a bit!
K Jaggers
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