We have KITTENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Today was the day...and wow.. I was off with the timing!!!

I knew something was strange with her today..Yesterday and today both she would not eat..Plus she was meowing non stop. I took off to the dealership to get a birthing box and when I got home the first kitten was entering the world. The timing couldn't have been any more purrrrr- fect.. I was there for the birth!!!

Here she is with kitten #1

and then after an hour of pushing we have...

Kitten # 2!!!!!

Right now mommy and kittens are in bed room laying on the floor. She is sleeping and they appear to be nursing!

I don't know if more are coming but maybe not! This is her first litter and its normal for the litter to be small.
But I will keep checking on her to see if we have more kittens!

Soooooooooooo freaking happy!!!!

K Jaggers
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