Really Really Tired...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


What a loooong day.. Was busy from the moment I got out of bed and I couldn't be more greatful to be sitting on the love seat..lights all low and dimmed..watching the Fighter and Blogging..I don't know how much longer I will be up under these conditions.

I had some serious problems with my photo editor today..I didn't even remember to tell Scott.. I finally took it off my computer all together.. However..I cant find the damn disk to reinstall it..What a dumb move..But I am downloading a free 30 day trial version of the newest one.. and tomorrow I need to call the company tell them what happened..thank goodness I registered the product..and hopefully they will send me more disk..and if I like the new one..Its $ 60 in 30 days..I cant go without a photoshop..No way..No how..So got to get this situation fixed asap!

Anyway..Scott and I headed out to do some shopping tonight..

I got the..

Keyboard to go with the iPad...

Pretty simple to hook up.. All you do is set the iPad right on top of that little plug..

and your done!!

It does seem to work pretty good.. And you can still charge the iPad while the keyboard is hooked in. Kinda crazy huh? A mini Apple Computer! Mom really does get me the best gifts ever..Shes a great giver..So thankful for her remembering me and spoiling me! Between her and Scott..Life is pretty good!!

I also had to go get lot of stuff from the store for the house. Pet supplies..dinner for tomorrow..just in case my car is not finished..leaving me stranded yet for another day.. I am really really hoping that's not the case..I hope to wake up with Scott bringing me the car! That would be great!!! With it being 330 right might just be possible if I sleep in!! The house also needs a long good cleaning too..Its starting to look a mess..Really..I didn't get much done today except make the beds and kinda pick up.. But there is much to do..Hopefully I can really get it worked on tomorrow..I don't know where today went..It flew by so fast..I didn't get up unusually late.. So I cant understand why today the sun set a little earlier for me..And then..I kept busy through the night. If I didn't need cat food.. I would have came home and relaxed..But being I had to go out..I went ahead and got everything we needed..

I also bought this little cat peek a boo little stand thing..I'll post pictures tomorrow but its kinda cute and Gabby loves it! Shes asleep on top of it right now! You can make a little " cat city " with other ones that know I have to get more..I think I am going to get one a payday! They deserve it!!! Cooper gets new toys all the time..So can the cats!

Well..most of you are going to be getting up within the next couple hours..So I need to get to bed..

Sweet dreams..

K Jaggers
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